Menologia for Every Day of the Church YearThis site includes a full saint list from the Menologion for each day of the fixed liturgical year. In addition, hymns such as the Troparia and Kontakia are included. ![]() The Troparion (ie, Apolytikion or the Dismissal hymn) and Kontakion (a hymn that gives an abbreviated meaning or history) in honor of a saint for each fixed feast day can be chanted within the context of The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus, of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints. This General Menaion was translated from the Slavonian 16th ed. of 1862 [by N. Orloff] and originally published in 1899, London, and is in public domain. You can also check out the General Menaion by Archimandrite Ephrem or by St Sergius Parish. Read or Chant the Troparia and Kontakia for every fixed feast day of the church year:
These hymns were prepared for the Menologion program by Michael Purcell and are not exactly the same as those which were unofficially published by the St. Herman Brotherhood. The hymns were scanned, and then proof read and corrected by his wife, who is the music director at St John the Wonderworker Church of Atlanta, so the markings may have been changed in some cases, and the translation of some words may be different. They also added two new saints which were not contained in the original : Saint John Cassian (February 29) and Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco (June 19). Corrections: St Seirol (Feb 1) was listed under Jan 2 in error. St Ergnad (Jan 8) is a nun, not a monk. Changed Father Ergnad to Mother Ergnad. Many of the Holy Icons displayed herein may be purchased from St. Isaac of Syria Skete, where a portion of the proceeds goes towards the Orthodox Fellowship of All Saints of China only when accessed via the affiliate link, or by clicking on the icons embedded within this site. Additional troparia and kontakia, and supplemental links to other web sites concerning the feasts commemorated for each day will be added eventually. If you have any suggestions or links, send to All Saints icons
The Place of Lives of Saints in the Spiritual Life Daily Vesperal menaion by Holy Myrrhbearers | Hymns and Today's Psalter by The Monks of New Skete | Orthodox Menologion Online The menologia is maintained by and all texts and images on this local server are known to be either in public domain or freely distributable. Concerning material on off-site links, please consult their respective publishers or authors for copyright permissions. Offsite material might be linked to without their knowledge so report broken links or any links to remove directly to |