
The Fourth Day of the Month of May


Troparion of St. Pelagia Tone 3

Thou didst abandon dark ignorance through knowledge of the Faith,/ O Pelagia, fair virgin of Christ./ Thou wast refreshed by His dew and didst finish thy contest by fire./ O glorious Martyr,/ entreat Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.

Troparion of St. Scannel Tone 3

Sent by Colum Cille thou didst travel from Iona/ and spend thy life preaching Christ in pagan darkness./ As thou hast boldness before Christ in heavenly glory/, O Father Scannel,/ entreat Him that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of St. Pelagia Tone 2

Abandoning thy mortal betrothed/ to be wedded to the Immortal,/ thou didst offer thy dowry of chastity and contest./ Wherefore, O Pelagia, we acclaim thee.

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