
The First Day of the Month of May


Troparion of the holy Prophet Jeremias Tone 1

From thy mother's womb thou wast sanctified by the Creator in His foreknowledge,/ and from thy swaddling bands thou wast filled with prophetic wisdom./ O wise Jeremiah, thou didst lovingly lament the fall of Israel./ Honouring thee as a Prophet and Athlete we cry out to thee:/ Glory to Him Who has glorified thee; glory to Him Who has crowned thee;/ glory to Him Who has given thee to us as a fervent intercessor.

Troparion of St. Paphnuti of Borovsk Tone 4

Thou didst illumine thy fatherland/ with thy radiant life of prayer and fasting,/ and wast filled with divine gifts of the Spirit./ Thou didst strive valiantly in this temporal life and show mercy to all,/ becoming an intercessor for the poor./ And so we entreat thee, O Father Paphnuti,/ pray to Christ our God that our souls may be saved.

Troparion of St. Macarius Tone 8

While presenting the divine and bloodless Sacrifice thou didst present thy blood spilled by the Hagarenes/ as a blameless offering to the Chief Shepherd thy Master./ Entreat Him to smite the warlike nations, and thyself strengthen Orthodox Christians in every combat,/ and keep thy flock unharmed from every affliction;/ for we honour thee as a strong intercessor,/ O new Hieromartyr of Russia and Hierarch blessed Macarius.

Troparion of St. Brioc Tone 1

O holy Brioc, Enligthener of the lands of Wales and France:/ with miracles thou didst preach Christ in thy life,/ and in death thy fragrance proclaimed thy glory./ Pray to Christ our God that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of the Holy Prophet Jeremias Tone 3

Thy pure heart was enlightened by the Spirit,/ O great Prophet and Martyr Jeremiah./ Thou didst receive the gift of prophecy from on high/ and cry aloud to the nations:/ This is our God and there is none other beside Him/ Who has appeared incarnate on the earth.
18th c. Russian icon using egg tempera

Kontakion of St. Paphnuti of Borovsk Tone 8

Illumined by divine Light thou didst lead an ascetic life, O righteous Father./ Thou didst excel as a guide of monks and adornment of fasters./ God, beholding thy labours, enriched thee with the gift of wonderworking so that thou dost pour forth healings./ In gladness we cry to thee: Rejoice, O Father Paphnuti.

Kontakion of St. Macarius Tone 8

O blessed Hierarch Macarius, the city of Kiev rejoices,/ having acquired the treasure of thine incorrupt body;/ for thou didst guard thy See from the wicked enemies' onslaughts even unto blood,/ and dost now stand before the heavenly throne./ In thy prayers remember us before the Creator,/ that thou mayest be our refuge in all afflictions;/ since in thee we boast as we cry: Rejoice, O Macarius, venerable adornment of Bishops.

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