
The Twenty-Eighth Day of the Month of February


Troparion of St. Basil Tone 4

Thou wast a royal gift to Christ's Church, O Basil,/ and in thine ascetic life thou didst make thy life more luminous,/ and wast found worthy of glory in heaven.

Troparion of St. Sillan Tone 7

Under thy God-pleasing rule, O Father Sillan,/ Bangor's monastery became a power-house of the true Faith./ As thou wast a bright beacon,/ guiding men on their journey to God,/ we beseech thee to be also a beacon for us,/ bringing us safely into the way of salvation.

Kontakion of St. Basil Tone 2

Thou didst receive revelation from heaven/ and go forth from the world's turmoil./ Thou didst live a righteous life as a monk,/ and wast given grace to work miracles/ and to heal diseases,/ O wise, blessed and holy Basil.

Kontakion of St. Sillan Tone 2

Righteous Father Sillan, Road to our Saviour,/ Crown of Bangor's saints and joy of all monastics,/ we keep festival in thy honour, ever blessing thy name/ and imploring thy prayers for us sinners.

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