
The Twenty-Second Day of the Month of November


Troparion of the Mother of God Tone 4

Today is the prelude of God's goodwill/ and the prophecy of the salvation of men./ The Virgin appears openly in the temple of God/ and foretells Christ to all./ So let us cry to her with loud voices:/ Rejoice, thou who art the fulfillment/ of the Creator's providence.

Troparion of the Holy Apostles Tone 4

The four Apostles of Christ who were chosen by God,/ Philemon and Archippus with Apphia and Onesimus,/ shone with the light of knowledge on those in darkness;/ they contested and destroyed error/ and now pray to the Lord for us all.

Troparion of St. Cecilia and those with her Tone 3

By the radiance of thy holy life/ thou didst draw the two brothers united in spirit into the Eternal Light./ O Cecilia, as fellow-contestants,/ you were counted worthy of divine glory./ Ask that we who praise you may receive the forgiveness of our sins.

Troparion of St. Deiniol the Younger Tone 8

Bring preserved from martyrdom at the hands of the warlike Ethelfrid,/ thou didst persevere in thy missionary labours, O Father Deiniol./ Wherefore we entreat thee to pray to God for us/ that, being firm in the faith, we may be found worthy of His great mercy.

Kontakion of the Feast Tone 4

The most pure Temple of the Saviour,/ the most precious bridal chamber and Virgin,/ the sacred treasury of the glories of God,/ today enters into the house of the Lord,/ bringing with her the grace that is the Divine Spirit./ And the Angels of God sing of her;/ This is the heavenly tabernacle.

Kontakion of the Holy Apostles Tone 2

We praise Philemon, Onesimus, Archippus and Apphius/ as bright stars illumining the world;/ and we cry: Pray unceasingly for us all.

Kontakion of St. Cecilia and those with her Tone 4

Let the multitude of the faithful praise Cecilia/ who was wedded to Christ and adorned in heart with virtue./ For she put to shame the audacity of Almacius/ and shone forth as the sun on those who sought her./ Then to those on earth she was a divine support and she strengthened the faithful.

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