
The Nineteenth Day of the Month of November


Troparion of the Prophet Obadiah Tone 4

According to thy name thou wast a servant of God the Word./ Found worthy of the Light that passes understanding/ thou didst receive the illumination of prophecy./ For thou didst discern the immaterial Glory/ and become an instrument sounded by God,/ O Prophet Obadiah,/ and foretell things to come.

Troparion of St. Barlaam Tone 4

Armed with youthful manliness,/ thou didst endure martyrdom in old age and glorify Christ./ Thou didst offer Him thy right hand as a whole burnt offering/ and thy holy soul as a blameless sacrifice./ Intercede that all may be granted forgiveness, O Great Martyr Barlaam.

Kontakion of the Prophet Obadiah Tone 8

Thou didst offer thy life as acceptable first-fruits to the Triune God, Obadiah;/ and having received the beauty of inspiration/ thou didst reveal things to come and so didst cry: Alleluia.

Kontakion of St. Barlaam Tone 3

Though aged in body thou didst vanquish the evil one/ by thy mighty contest, O Barlaam./ Thou didst endure the rack like one without a body,/ and manfully bear the burning of thy hand./ Wherefore God the Word has crowned thee with a crown of glory.

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