
The Sixteenth Day of the Month of October


Troparion of St. Longinus Tone l

O Longinus, thou didst behold the King of Glory nailed to the Cross/ yet shining on those in darkness./ Thou wast enlightened by His rays/ and didst become a martyr and dost save those who cry:/ Glory to Him Who has strengthened thee; glory to Him Who has crowned thee;/ glory to Him Who through thee works healings for all.

Troparion of St. Eloff Tone 4

The Apostate Julian had no power over thee, O Father Eloff,/ in that killing thy body he unwittingly guaranteed the salvation of thy soul./ Seeing that, in these times, we may also become victims of a tyrant,/ pray O holy Martyr, that we may be faithful, even unto death,/ that our souls may be saved.

Troparion of St. Gall Tone 8

As a Companion of the great Columban,/ thou didst travel throughout the lands of the Franks, O Father Gall,/ thy ascetic life contrasting with that of the worldly prelates whom thou didst encounter./ Open to us, we pray thee, the treasures of sacrifice and struggle,/ that we too may attain the joy of eternal salvation.

Kontakion of St. Longinus Tone 4

Today the Church rejoices/ in memory of the glorious Athlete Longinus,/ crying: Thou art my strength and my stronghold, O Christ. 11 - 17


    Troparion Tone 8

    Glorious art Thou, O Christ our God/ Who hast established our holy fathers as stars on earth./ Through them Thou dost guide us to the True Faith./ O Most Merciful One, glory to Thee.

    Kontakion Tone 8

    The preaching of the Apostles and the doctrine of the Fathers confirmed the one faith in the Church./ In the garment of truth woven from theology on high she rightly divides and glorifies true piety.

    Another Kontakion Tone 2

    The Son Who shone from the Father/ was ineffably born in two natures of a woman./ We do not deny the image of His form/ but depict it piously and revere it./ For this cause the Church, holding the true Faith,/ kisses the icon of Christ's Incarnation.

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