
The Twenty-Fifth Day of the Month of January


Prophetologion: Readings for Vespers of Our Father among the Saints Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople.

Troparion of the Icon of the Mother of God Tone 5

Sooth the pains of my much-sighing soul,/ O thou who hast wiped away every tear from the face of the earth:/ for thou dost drive away the sickness of men,/ and quench the afflictions of sinners./ We have obtained hope and support in thee,/ O most holy Virgin.

workshop of Dionisy, 1502, the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Troparion of St. Gregory the Theologian Tone 1

The shepherd's pipe of thy theology/ conquered the philosophers' trumpets;/ for since thou didst search out the depths of the Spirit,/ beauty of speech was added to thee./ Intercede with Christ our God that our souls may be saved,/ O Father Gregory.

Troparion of St. Felicitas and her seven martyred sons Tone 1

Truly thou art blessed, O holy Felicitas,/ for thou didst never doubt the mercy of Christ our God,/ and in spite of all temptations, with thy seven sons thou didst rejoice/ to return to Him rather than to languish in dishonour on earth./ Wherefore pray for us that we may follow thy example/ for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion of St. Eochod Tone 6

The Picts of Galloway honoured thee as their Apostle,/ O righteous Hierarch Eochod,/ for at the behest of Father Columba/ thou didst open to them the Gospel of Salvation./ Wherefore, O Saint, cease not in thy pious labours,/ praying that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of the Icon of the Mother of God Tone 6

O holy Lady, do not entrust me to human protection,/ but accept the prayers of thy supplicant./ I am fettered by sorrow and unable to endure the demon's darts./ I have no shelter, nor place to run, I am wretched./ My enemies are on every side,/ and I have no consolation but in thee./ Mistress of creation, protection and hope of the faithful,/ do not turn away when I pray to thee; do that which will profit me.

16th Russian, Northern Novgorod Tempera and gesso on wood icon

Kontakion of St. Gregory the Theologian Tone 3

With thy theologian's speech thou didst dispel the philosopher's cobwebs,/ O glorious Gregory;/ and thou dost adorn the robe of Orthodoxy woven for the Church from on high./ Wearing this, she cries out with us thy children:/ Rejoice, O Father, most excellent mind of theology.

Kontakion of St. Felicitas and her seven martyred sons Tone 2

Unfailing loyalty to Christ was thy virtue,/ O holy Felicitas,/ for despite all threats and torments thou didst inspire thy sons/ to resist all for the salvation of their souls./ Without hesitation thou didst willingly follow them,/ winning the crown of martyrdom./ Wherefore we pray for grace to emulate thine all-praised example.

Kontakion of St. Eochod Tone 3

All praise is thy due, most blessed Father Eochod,/ in that thou didst love nothing more than Christ,/ willingly obeying His command to preach the Gospel to all nations./ As both our inspiration and our example,/ pray that we may fearlessly preach Christ for the salvation of our race.

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