
The Twenty-Third Day of the Month of January


Troparion of St. Clement Tone 4

Thou hast been given to the faithful, O St. Clement,/ as a branch of holiness,/ a staff of truth, a most sacred flower,/ and a sweet God-given fruit./ As a fellow-sufferer of martyrs/ and as a fellow bishop of Hierarchs,/ intercede with Christ our God that our souls may be saved.

Troparion of St. Agathangelos Tone 4

O steadfast Agathangelos,/ we praise thee as a bearer of good tidings of the Lord's compassion towards us./ Through thy contest thou wast found worthy to be numbered among the ranks of Angels./ Together with them thou dost ever intercede with Christ/ that we may be delivered from every necessity.

Kontakion of St. Clement Tone 4

Thou wast a precious branch of Christ the Vine, O much suffering and all-famed Clement,/ and with thy fellow sufferers thou didst cry:/ Thou, O Christ, art the radiant joy of the martyrs.

Kontakion of St. Agathangelos Tone 4

Thou wast like an Angel in thy contest,/ for thou didst endure the infliction of wounds like one without a body./ Wherefore, O Agathangelos, Christ has counted thee worthy of heavenly grace.

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