1985 trans. | 中文(简) | српски [2]


1 . 可敬的DOMETIUS殉教者

Dometius was born in Persia as a pagan during the reign of Emperor Constantine. He became acquainted with the Faith of Christ as a young man, abandoned paganism and was baptized. So much did Dometius love the True Faith that he left everything worldly and was tonsured a monk in a monastery near the town of Nisibis. He lived for some time among the brethren and then withdrew to a life of silence to be with an a certain elder Archmandrite Urbel, about whom it is said that he did not eat anything cooked for sixty years. The elder Urbel ordained Dometius a deacon and when he wanted to compel him to receive the rank of a priest, Dometius withdrew to an isolated mountain and settled in a cave. He attained such a high degree of perfection through fasting, prayer, all night vigils and godly-thoughts that he cured the sick. When Julian the Apostate came to those regions, he heard of Dometius and sent men, who sealed him alive in the cave along with two of his disciples. Thus, this saint of God died and took up habitation in the Kingdom of God in the year 363 A.D.
Dometius 在皇帝康斯坦丁的朝代期間作為異教徙在波斯出生。他成為了作為一個年輕的人與合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思熟悉了, 放棄了異教並且被給某人施洗禮。如此多 Dometius 愛了他讓任何事情世間並且是噸肯定的真實的費思在在非最後二度的鎮附近的一個修道院的一個修道士。他生活了為某時在兄弟們之中並且然後撤退了到沉默的生活與一個某個長輩是 Archmandrite Urbel , 關於誰據說他沒吃有 60 年的時間被煮了的任何東西。Urbel長老 製定了 Dometius 一件輔祭執事並且當他想要強迫他收到一個司祭的等級時, Dometius 撤退了到一條孤立的山脈並且在一個洞安定了。他通過齋戒達到了完美的如此的高度, 禱告, 整夜守夜和他治好了的虔誠 think 病了。甚麼時候背教者來到了那些區域的朱利安, 他聽說了 Dometius 並且送了人, 活與 2 他的門徙一起在洞封上了他。這樣, 上帝的這聖人死了並且在一年在上帝的王國在居住上面拿了 363 A.D 。


2 . 可敬或, THEBAID 的隱士

Or attained great perfection through the greatest mortification. When he firmly established himself and attained holiness in solitude, he then gradually established several monasteries and was a superb spiritual leader and teacher of many monks. Rufinus, who visited him describes Or in the following way: "In his dress [habit], he resembled an angel of God; a ninety-year old elder with a long beard, as white as snow; externally was very pleasant. His gaze shone with something super human." Often times, he saw the angels of God. He especially endeavored never to speak an untruth. He had great temptations from the demons but overpowered them all soberly and courageously. He received Holy Communion daily. On one occasion, one of his disciples reminded him that the Feast of the Resurrection had come and that it should be celebrated. Hearing this, Or came out, raised his hands to heaven and spent three days in prayer without rest. He explained to his disciple: "For the monk, this is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ: to elevate his mind and to unite it with God." He rested in deep old age about the year 390 A.D.
或通過最大的禁欲的達到大完美。當他緊緊地建立了他自己並且在孤獨達到了神聖時, 他逐漸地然後建立了若干個修道院並且是許多修道士的一個壯麗的神的領導人和教師。Rufinus , 訪問了他的人,描述或在下列方法︰“穿他的衣服 [ 習慣 ], 他相似於了上帝的一個天神;與一根長胡子年長的舊的一 90 年, 白象雪一樣;外部地是很愉快的。他的凝視與人的超級的一些東西照耀了。”經常預定, 他看見了上帝的天神。他特別努力了永不說虛假。他從魔鬼有了大誘惑但是製服他們所有的嚴肅地並且勇敢地。他每天收到了神聖的共享。在一個上場合, 他的門徙之一提醒了他複活的瞻禮來了並且它應該被慶祝。聽見這,或出現,舉手了到天堂並且沒有休息在禱告度過了 3 天。他向門徙解釋了︰“為修道士,這是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的複活的慶祝︰提高他的頭腦並且與上帝統一它。”他關於一年在深老年休息了 390 A.D 。


3 . 神聖的MARINUS殉教者 和翠菊國際學生聯合會

Marinus was a soldier and Asterius was a Roman senator. At the time of Emperor Gallienus, St. Marinus served as a soldier in Caesarea in Palestine. Marinus was beheaded for the sake of the Faith of Christ. Asterius, the senator, also a Christian, was present at his martyrdom. He removed his dolman and, with it, wrapped the body of the martyr, placed it on his shoulders, took it and honorably buried it. Seeing this, the pagans beheaded him also. They both died honorably for Christ about the year 260 A.D.
Marinus 是一位戰士並且 Asterius 是一個[羅爾]瑪參議員。在皇帝 Gallienus 的時間,聖 Marinus 在巴勒斯坦在 Caesarea 用作了一位戰士。Marinus 為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思的緣故被斬。Asterius , 參議員, 另外一克裡斯琴, 在他的殉教在場。他移開了土耳其式第袍並且, 與它,包了殉教者的身體,把它放了在他的肩膀上, 拿了它並且值得尊敬地埋葬了它。看見這, 異教徙斬了他另外。他們都值得尊敬地關於一年為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督死了 260 A.D 。


4 . 可敬的 PIMEN ,[ POEMEN ] 極大地被折磨了的一個

Pimen was sickly from his youth and from his youth desired the monastic life. Brought to the Lavra of the Caves in Kiev for healing, he remained there until his death. Pimen prayed to God, more for sickness, than for health. At night, angels appeared to him and tonsured him a monk. On that occasion, the angels informed him that he will be ill until his death and, just before his death, will become healthy. And so, it was. Pimen was bedridden for twenty years. He worked miracles during his lifetime and was unusually discerning. Just prior to his death, he rose from the bed completely whole and immediately prepared a grave for himself. He rested in the Lord in the year 1110 A.D.
Pimen 病態地從他的少年並且從他的少年被需要修道士生活。為愈合在 Kiev 帶了到洞的 Lavra , 他留下了在那裡直到他的死亡。Pimen 向上帝祈禱了, 更為疾病,比為健康。在晚上,天神在他和噸肯定看來了他一個修道士。在那個場合上, 天神通知了他他將是病了的直到他的死亡並且, 就在以前他的死亡, 將變得健康。並且因此,它是。Pimen 有 20 年的時間是臥床不起的。他工作了在他的一生期間的奇跡並且不平常地正在認出。就在他的死亡以前,他從完全整個的床起床了並且很快地為他自己準備了一座墳。他在一年在主休息了 1110 A.D 。


5 . 司祭殉教者水仙花, 耶路撒冷的主教皇

Narcissus was beheaded at the time of Antoninus in the year 213 A.D. being one hundred sixteen years of age.
水仙花在一年在 Antoninus 的時間被斬 213 A.D 是 116 歲。



聖人或, THEBAID 的隱士

To the monks, honor; to the monk's glory,

Head of the monks, Or, the all-wise Abba,
修道士的頭, 或, 都明智的父親,

With great labor, with many sighs,

Of a true monk, reached perfection.

Teach us a lesson, they once pleaded to him!
教我們一堂課, 他們曾經懇求了到他﹗

Never tell a lie, speak the truth.
從來別說謊, 說真相。

I know a man, who never swore,
我知道一個人, 從來沒發誓,

Never lied, never wished evil to another.
從來沒說謊, 到另外一個的從來沒被想要的魔鬼。

Then the elder after his reply, remained silent.
然後在他的答複以後的長輩, 仍然是沉默。

Then holy Sisoes asked of Or:
然後神聖的硅 o 與 e 之合字問了或︰

Tell me father some instruction.

"Live," Or said to him, "as you see me!"

Tell me more clearly, how should I see you.
更清楚地告訴我, 怎麼我應該看見你。

Everyman, a secret within himself conceals?
普通人, 在他自己以內的一個秘密隱蔽?

Again Or said to him: Behold, to you I am speaking:
再或向他說︰看到, 到你我正在說話︰

Of all God's things, myself I consider the worse.

Paul, the disciple, Or taught thusly:
葩。韋勒保羅, 門徙, 或 thusly 教了︰

For from every sin you will easily flee

But only from evil conversation, if you flee,

For from this evil, every other sin sprouts

To the soul of a man, evil conversation is death,

Every good seed in the heart, it smothers.
在心的每粒好種子, 它窒息。

One more thing will I say and let it be enough,

The thoughts of vanity, drive away; insane desires, drive away,
虛榮的想法, 趕走;發瘋的欲望, 趕走,

From that which is material, distance yourself,
從那它是材料, 距離你自己,

And son, the spiritual you will attain.
並且兒子, 神你將到達。



Neither concern yourself about the righteous nor envy the sinner. Remember always that the Lord Christ, by His resurrection, conquered a shameful death and that Herod, Judas, Nero, Julian the Apostate, Valerian, Leo the Armenian and other opponents of Christ, by a shameful death mortalized forever their temporary successes and victories. Envious ones slandered St. Narcissus the Patriarch for violating his chastity. The innocent Narcissus withdrew into the wilderness and spent many years in silence and patiently waited for God to do His will. Three patriarchs followed him [on the patriarchal throne] and only then did men come forward and clearly prove his innocence. Then everyone forced him to return from the wilderness to his throne. Thus, God justifies the righteous. The bloody Emperor Valerian, with satanic passion, murdered Christians throughout the entire world [Roman Empire]. How did he end up? In battle with the Persians, he was defeated and enslaved by King Sapor. Sapor did not desire to kill him immediately but used him as a mounting block whenever he wanted to mount a horse. Every day, King Sapor's servants brought Valerian along with a horse and Sapor enjoyed placing his foot on the neck of the Roman Emperor in order to make it easier for him to mount the horse. He who sows an evil seed reaps an evil harvest.
也不使你自己擔心關於正直也不羨慕罪人。總是記得主合[利爾]斯托。斯基督, 由他的複活, 征服了可恥的死亡和那個希臘王, 叛徒, 尼羅, 朱利安背教者, 纈草屬植物, 利奧合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的亞美尼亞人和其它對手,由可恥的死亡 mortalized 永久他們的暫時的成功和勝利。羨慕一 slandered 聖水仙花為違背他的貞潔的主教皇。無罪的水仙花撤退了進荒地並且在沉默度過了許多年並且耐心等了上帝做他的愿望。3 位主教皇跟隨了他 [ 在主教皇的王位上 ] 並且僅僅然後人向前並且清楚地來了証明他的清白。然後每個人強迫了他從荒地回來到他的王位。這樣, 上帝認為正當正直。流血的皇帝纈草屬植物, 與魔鬼的熱情,在整個全部世界謀殺了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教 [ [羅爾]瑪帝國 ] 。他怎麼結束了起來?在與波斯人的戰斗,他被國王味打敗並且奴役。味沒需要很快地殺死他但是無論何時他想要裝一匹馬,作為增長的塊使用了他。每天, 國王味的與一匹馬和味一起被帶給了纈草屬植物的仆人樂於把他的腳放在[羅爾]瑪皇帝的頸上以便使他裝馬更容易。播種他一粒邪惡的種子收獲邪惡的收獲。



To contemplate the mercy of God toward the barren Hannah, the mother of Samuel (1 Samuel 1 1 Kings 1):
沉思朝貧瘠的漢不的上帝的仁慈, 塞繆爾的母親 ( 1 塞繆爾 1 1 國王 1 ) ︰

1. How Hannah was barren and in her sorrow implored God that she give birth to a son, promising to dedicate him to God;
1 . 漢不怎麼是貧瘠的並且在她悲傷懇求了上帝她生一個兒子, 有希望把他奉獻給上帝;

2. How God heard the prayers of Hannah and she gave birth to a son and called him Samuel (besought from God);
2 . 上帝怎麼聽見了漢不和她的禱告,生了一個兒子並且把他稱為塞繆爾 ( 從上帝懇求了 );

3. How Hannah brought Samuel to the Temple and dedicated him to God.
3 . 漢不怎麼把塞繆爾帶了到堂並且把他奉獻了給上帝。



About the new law from Zion


"For out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem" (Isaiah 2:3).
“將向前為從天國去從耶路撒冷的主的法律和詞” ( 艾賽爾 2:3 ) 。

The prophet speaks of a new law and of a new word. The old law was given on Sinai and the new law will come from Zion. The old law was given through Moses and the new law, the Lord Christ Himself will bring. That [the old law] was intended in the beginning only for the Jews, and this one [the new law], will be directed to all peoples and all of mankind. Even though these words of the prophet are clear, however, the Jews could not understand them nor do they understand them today. The meaning of these words is closed to them because of their stony hearts. To whom do they [the Jews] apply these words? To no one. How do they [the Jews] interpret these words? They do not. They pass by these words as a blind man passes by an open door. If they were able to comprehend these words, would they have then acted in such a manner as they acted with the prophet and the prophesied One [Christ]? Would they have sawn Isaiah and crucified Christ on the Cross?
先知一條新法律並且一個新詞說話。舊法律在西奈和從天國被來的新法律愿望上被給。舊法律通過摩西和新法律被給, 主合[利爾]斯托。斯基督將自己帶。那 [ 舊法律 ] 因為,僅僅在開始被打算猶太人,並且這個 [ 新法律 ], 將被指導到人類的所有的民族和所有。盡管先知的這些詞是清楚的, 然而, 猶太人不能理解他們也不他們今天理解他們。這些詞的意思因為他們的多石的心靠近他們。到誰他們 [ 猶太人 ] 使用這些詞?到沒有人。怎麼他們 [ 猶太人 ] 解釋這些詞?他們不做。他們作為人在一扇開門邊傳遞的一個窗帘這些詞過去。如果他們能理解這些詞,當他們與先知和預言的先知行動了,他們將那麼在如此的一種方式行動 [ 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督 ] ?他們將鋸艾賽爾並且在十字上把合[利爾]斯托。斯基督釘在十字架上了嗎?

The Jews considered the law of Moses to be the only and final law of God. That is why they were unable to comprehend the meaning of the prophecy of the new law from Zion, i.e., from the House of David, for David glorified Zion. But if the Jews did not know to comprehend the new law through the old law, we Christians know that through the new law we comprehend the old law. The Jews only had a tree without fruit but we have the tree and the fruit. They only had an image without reality, but we have both reality and the image. They adhered only to promises and that, incorrectly understood, but we have the promises and the fulfillment.
猶太人認為了摩西的法律唯一並且最後上帝的法律。那是他們是不能的從天國理解新法律的預言的意思的原因, 即, 從達微。德大衛的房子,因為達微。德大衛贊美了天國。但是如果猶太人不知道通過舊法律理解新法律,我們合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教通過我們理解舊法律的新法律知道那。猶太人僅僅沒有水果有了一棵樹但是我們有樹和水果。他們僅僅沒有現實有了一幅聖像,但是我們有現實和聖像。他們僅僅粘住了到諾言和那,不正確地理解了,但是我們有諾言和實行。

O All-rich Lord, Who has enriched us with Your spiritual law and Your life-giving words, You only do we worship and to You only do we pray; grant us wisdom and power to live according to Your law and to uphold Your holy word, so that we may not become poor before You, Who has made us rich!
哦!阿爾 - 裡奇•主啊, 與你的神的法律和你的賦與生命的詞富裕了我們, 你僅僅做我們崇拜並且僅僅到你我們祈禱;同意我們智慧和力量根據你的法律生活並且舉起你的神聖的詞, 以便我們不能在你前變得窮,使了我們富有﹗

To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.