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1 . VENERABLES 伊薩阿。克以撒 [ 以撒國際學生聯合會,] DALMATUS [ DALMATIUS ] 並且浮士德 [ FAUSTUS ]

Venerable Isaac is celebrated again separately on May 30. At first, St. Dalmatus was an officer during the reign of Emperor Theodosius the Great whom the emperor held in great esteem. When the spirit awakened in him, he despised all earthly things, resigned his rank and took his only son Faust and, with him, went to the community of St. Isaac in the outskirts of Constantinople where they both were tonsured as monks. Dalmatus was completely devoted to a god-pleasing life for which the elder Isaac rejoiced. When Isaac approached the hour of death, he appointed Dalmatus as abbot in his place. Later, this community was named after him - the so-called Dalmatus. Dalmatus devoted himself to fasting, at times for forty days. By fasting he conquered the invisible demonic power. He participated in the Third Ecumenical Council [Ephesus 431 A.D.] and fought against the Nestorian heresy. Pleasing God, he died peacefully in the fifth century. His son Faust supported his father in everything and, after a God-pleasing life, died peacefully in this Dalmatus community.
可敬的伊薩阿。克以撒再獨立在 5 月 30 日被慶祝。最初, 聖 Dalmatus 是在皇帝 Theodosius 的朝代期間的一個官員大皇帝在大尊重擁抱了誰。當神在他醒來了時,他輕視了所有的現世的事情, 辭職了他的等級並且拿了他唯一的兒子浮士德並且, 與他一起,在他們都作為修道士是噸肯定的土耳其都市的郊區去了聖伊薩阿。克以撒的社區。Dalmatus 完全被奉獻給年長的伊薩阿。克以撒為其高興了的高興上帝生活。當伊薩阿。克以撒走近了死亡的小時時,他在他的地方作為修道院院長指定了 Dalmatus 。后來, 這個社區依照他被命名 - 所謂的 Dalmatus 。Dalmatus 把他自己奉獻給了齋戒, 有時有 40 天的時間。由齋戒他征服了不可見的惡魔的力量。他參予了第 3 個全合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教會的委員會 [ Ephesus 431 A.D ] 並且與合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教教派的異端邪說斗爭了。高興上帝, 他和平地在第 5 個世紀死了。他的兒子浮士德在任何事情支持了他的父親並且, 在高興上帝生活以後,和平地在這個 Dalmatus 社區死了。


2 . 可敬的葛斯默, 閹人

Cosmas was a monk from the Pharan Lavra. He was well versed in Holy Scripture. So much did he value the words of St. Athanasius the Great that he said to his disciples: "Whenever you hear any word from the books of St. Athanasius and, if you have no paper, write it down on your handkerchief." In his old age, Cosmas came to Antioch to Patriarch Gregory (+584 A.D.) and there ended his life. The patriarch ordered that the body of Cosmas be buried in the monastery of the partiarchate. A man frequently came to the grave of Cosmas, honoring the saint and prayed to God there. Asked why he did this, he revealed that he lay paralyzed for twelve years and that St. Cosmas had healed him.
葛斯默是從 Pharan Lavra 的一個修道士。他在神聖的經書是很好熟悉的。如此多他珍視了聖 Athanasius 的詞大他說到他的門徙︰“無論何時你從聖 Athanasius 的書聽見任何詞並且, 如果你沒有論文,在你的手絹上寫下它。”在他的老年,葛斯默來到了安提阿到主教皇額我略 ( +584 A.D ) 並且結束了他的生活在那裡。主教皇命令了葛斯默的身體在 partiarchate 的修道院被埋葬。一個人經常來到了葛斯默的墳, 尊敬聖人並且向上帝祈禱了在那裡。問他為甚麼做了這, 他揭示了他躺,這有 12 年的時間癱瘓了並且那聖葛斯默愈合了他。


3 . 可敬的安當, [羅爾]瑪人

Anthony was born in Rome in 1086 A.D. of devout and wealthy parents. At that time, the Roman Church separated from the Eastern Church and all who remained faithful to the Eastern Church were persecuted by the Roman clergy. Among the persecuted was Anthony. He distributed all of his inherited wealth and was tonsured a monk. Anthony lived a life of mortification by standing on a rock in the sea for fourteen months. Meanwhile, the rock separated from its base and by miraculous providence sailed the waters to Novgorod. In Novgorod, Archbishop Nicetas received him kindly and helped him build a church to the Holy Birth-giver of God, later to become a monastery. Anthony lived a long time as the abbot of this monastery and manifested the great power of grace through many miracles. He died peacefully in the year 1146 A.D. and took up habitation in the mansions of the Lord.
安當在 1086 在[羅爾]瑪出生虔誠並且富裕的父母的 A.D 。在那時間,[羅爾]瑪教會與東方的教會和所有分開了誰支持了東方的教會被[羅爾]瑪牧師迫害。在之中迫害是安當。他散布了他的繼承的財富的所有並且是噸肯定一個修道士。安當生活了由有 14 個月的時間在海站在岩石上的禁欲的生活。同時, 與它的底並且由奇跡的遠見被分開了的岩石駕駛了水到諾夫哥主啊。在諾夫哥主啊, 大主教 Nicetas 好心接待了他並且幫助了他造一個教會到上帝的神聖的出生送禮者, 以後成為一個修道院。安當生活了作為這個修道院的修道院院長的很長時間並且通過許多奇跡表明了優雅的大力量。他和平地在一年死了 1146 A.D 並且在主的大樓收起了居住。


4 . 聖人莎樂美, 沒藥載體

Salome was the mother of the Apostles James and John, the wife of Zebedee and the daughter of Joseph, the betrothed of the All-Holy Birth-giver of God. She served the Lord during His earthly life and was deemed worthy to be among the first to proclaim His resurrection.
莎樂美是宗徒亞。适烏和伊望。約翰的母親, 西庇太的妻子和約瑟夫的女兒, 上帝的都神聖的出生送禮者訂親了。她在他的現世的生活期間服務了主並且被認為值錢在之中第一宣告他的複活。




A lifeless rock and a man on the rock,

The turbulent sea, around it foams
狂暴的海, 在它附近起泡沫

Anthony, in God, engrossed
安當, 在上帝,占去

His mind, to God, ceaselessly raised
他的頭腦, 到上帝,不停地漲了

And prayers, with the heart, ascended.
並且禱告, 與心,上升。

The rock moved and Anthony remains silent,

Completely in God, about evil, does not suspect,
完全在上帝, 關於魔鬼,別懷疑,

Frightened are all evils, before a hero
害怕都是魔鬼, 在一位英雄前

But mostly, before a true monk.
但是主要, 在一個真實的修道士前。

Man, by Providence, is directed
人, 由普羅維登斯,被指導

And, through the saints, God glorifies Himself.
並且, 通過聖人,上帝贊美他自己。

Through Anthony, God is glorified,

Anthony, as a star, shown
安當, 作為一顆星,顯示出

In the great city of Novgorod,

Where, to the people, a miracle was proclaimed.
在哪兒, 到人民,一個奇跡被宣告。

Anthony nourished humility,

His mind to God, ceaselessly raised,
他的到上帝的頭腦, 不停地漲了,

Humble soul, to God a sweet sacrifice,
謙卑的靈魂, 到上帝香甜的犧牲,

And prayer the incense of true sacrifice,

Anthony, both incense and sacrifice
安當, 香氣和犧牲

A dead saint, God never saw
死了的聖人, 上帝從來沒看

As the discerning saint neither saw God [as dead].
也不作為認出的聖人看見了上帝 [ 作為死了 ] 。



Holy souls read Holy Scripture with great diligence concentrating on every word and placing themselves before the mirror of the Word of God as before the Dread Judgment. Their diligence was so great in this that some of the ascetics undertook distant journeys in order to come to a spiritual sage who would interpret for them a word or a saying from Holy Scripture. Whenever it was possible, this was accomplished through correspondence. It is from this that a complete collection of the letters of the saints remained [survived] such as those of Saints Basil, Gregory, Chrysostom, Isidore of Pelusium, Nilus of Sinai and many others. One day St. Cosmas pondered on the words of the Lord Christ when He, in the Garden of Gethsemane, asked His disciples whether they had a sword. When His disciples said to Him: "Lord, behold, here are two swords. And He said to them, it is enough" (St. Luke 22:38). Being unable to explain these words himself, St. Cosmas decided to cross over the wilderness to the distant Lavra called Pirga to the illustrious Abba Theophilus to inquire of him. With great difficulty did St. Cosmas succeed to reach his goal. Theophilus explained to him: "The two swords signify the two-fold order of a god-pleasing life: deeds and visions, i.e., labor and awakening of the mind to godly thoughts and prayer. Whoever has both of these, he is perfect."
神聖的靈魂與集中每個詞並且自己作為以前把恐懼判斷放在上帝的詞的鏡子前的大勤勉讀神聖的經書。他們的勤勉在這是這樣大的那一些 ascetics 拿了遠旅行以便來到一位神的哲人將為他們解釋一個詞或一從神聖的經書說。無論何時它是可能的,這通過通訊被完成。是從這聖人的信的完全的收集留下了 [ 幸存 ] 例如聖人巴西略的那些, 額我略, Chrysostom , Pelusium 的 Isidore , 西奈和許多其它的 Nilus 。當時,一天聖葛斯默在主合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的詞上思考了他, 在客西馬尼的花園裡,問他的門徙他們是否有了一把劍。當他的門徙向他說時︰“主, 看到, 在這裡是 2 把劍。並且他向他們說, 它是足夠“ ( 聖魯喀。 22:38 ) 。是不能的向這些詞解釋他自己, 聖葛斯默在荒地上決定了到十字到被稱為 Pirga 到輝煌的父親的遠的 Lavra 向他詢問的 Theophilus 。與大困難聖葛斯默成功了到達他的目標。Theophilus 向他解釋了︰“ 2 把劍意味著高興上帝生活的雙重的順序︰行為和視覺, 即, 勞動並且頭腦醒來到虔誠的想法和禱告。無論誰有這些的兩個, 他是完美的。”



To contemplate the ingratitude of the Jews toward God the Deliver and on God's punishment (Judges 13):
沉思朝上帝的猶太人的忘恩負義交付並且在上帝的懲罰上 ( 判定 13 ) ︰

1. How the sons of Israel again did that which is wicked before the Lord;
1 . 伊斯[拉爾]。伊利以色列的兒子怎麼再做了那它在主前是居心不良的;

2. How the Lord handed them over into the hands of the Philistines for forty years;
2 . 主怎麼有 40 年的時間在進敵人的手上傳遞了他們;

3. How the ungratefulness of a liberated people toward God the Deliver, even today, is punished by bondage under foreigners.
3 . 怎麼朝上帝的一個解放的人的忘恩負義交付, 甚至今天, 被奴役在外國人下面懲罰。



About human ingratitude unseen even among the animals


"The ox knoweth hisowner and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, My people doth not consider" (Isaiah 1:3).
“公牛 knoweth 他的主人和驢他的主人的童床︰但是伊斯[拉爾]。伊利以色列 do 的第三人稱單數別知道, 我的人 do 的第三人稱單數別考慮“ ( 艾賽爾 1:3 ) 。

The ingratitude of man is most strongly exposed by the gratitude of animals. When the irrational ox knows who his master is and when the ass knows from whose crib it is fed, how then can rational man not know about God, His Creator and Nourisher? The word Israel means "one who sees God." And every rational man should by his rationality be "one who sees God", to know God, to feel the presence of God and to serve God as once did the meek and wonderful Jacob. But when rational man, whose entire dignity is in the knowledge of God, does not know God, i.e., when the "one who sees God" becomes blind toward God, then the dignity of the ox and the ass is raised in dignity above such a man. For an ox, without exception, recognizes his master and the ass, without exception, recognizes the one who feeds him while among men there exists exceptions, i.e., there exist men and, very often leaders of men, who do not recognize their Lord nor their Nourisher. In all of created nature, godlessness is a disease only among men for godliness is the condition of normality and health only for men and not for animals. Thus, godlessness is not the disease of animals but of men; alas, only of men, only they who are destined to be "ones who see God" and who, when they lose their godliness, become poorer than the ox and the ass.
人的忘恩負義最強烈被動物的感謝暴露。當荒謬的公牛知道誰他的主人是並且驢甚麼時候它從其童床被喂知道時, 合理的人怎麼然後能不了解上帝,他的創造者和 Nourisher ?詞伊斯[拉爾]。伊利以色列意味“一個看見上帝。”並且每個合理的人應該由他的合理性“一個看上帝”, 知道上帝,感到上帝的存在並且服務上帝作為曾經做了適中並且奇妙的雅格布。但是甚麼時候合理的人,誰的全部尊嚴在上帝的知識,別知道上帝,即,甚麼時候“一個看上帝”朝上帝變得盲目,然後公牛和驢的尊嚴在尊嚴被提起在上面如此的一個人。為一頭公牛, 沒有異常, 認出他的主人和驢, 沒有異常, 認出一個當時,喂他在人之中存在在那裡異常, 即, 存在在那裡人並且, 很經常人的領導人,誰不認出他們的主也不他們的 Nourisher 。在創造的天性的所有,因為虔誠僅僅為人是規度和健康的狀況,邪惡僅僅在人之中是疾病並且不為動物。這樣, 邪惡不是動物但是人的疾病;哎呀, 僅僅人, 僅僅被注定到他們是“看見上帝”並且, 當他們失去虔誠時,變得比公牛和驢差。

This is the vision of Isaiah, the son of Amos, the Prophet of God.
這是艾賽爾的視覺, 阿摩司的兒子, 上帝的先知。

O God of meek Jacob, of Israel, enlightened one "who sees God", help us to maintain our human dignity, the dignity of one "who sees God" and that in every day and every hour, we may know and recognize You with gratitude, as our Lord and Nourisher.
適中的雅格布的 O 上帝,伊斯[拉爾]。伊利以色列,照亮了一個““”看見上帝”,幫助我們維持我們的人尊嚴,一個的尊嚴““”看見上帝”並且那在裡面每天並且每個小時,我們可以知道並且認出你與感謝,作為吾主和 Nourisher 。

To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.