1985 trans. | 中文(简) | српски [2]


1 . 可敬的 PIMEN [ POEMEN ] 大

Pimen was an Egyptian by birth and a great ascetic of Egypt. As a boy, he visited the most renowned spiritual men and, from them, gathered tangible knowledge as a bee gathers honey from flowers. Pimen once begged the elder Paul to take him to St. Paisius. Seeing Pimen, Paisius said to Paul: "This child will save many; the hand of God is with him." In time, Pimen was tonsured a monk and attracted two of his brothers to the monastic life as well. Once his mother came to see her sons but Pimen did not permit her to enter but through the door asked her: "Do you desire more to see us here or there in eternity?" The mother withdrew with joy saying: "Since I will surely see you there, then I do not desire to see you here." In the monastery of these three brothers, governed by Abba Anubis, Pimen's eldest brother, this was their Rule [Typikon]: at night, they spent four hours of working with their hands, four hours of sleep and four hours of reading the Psalter. During the day, from morning until noon, they spent in alternating work and prayer; from noon until Vespers they spent reading and, in the afternoon, they prepared supper for themselves the only meal in twenty-four hours and that usually consisted of some vegetables. Concerning their life, Pimen himself speaks: "We ate that which was given to us. No one ever said: 'Give me something else or I do not want that.' In this manner, we spent our entire life in silence and peace." Pimen lived a life of mortification as an ascetic in the fifth century and died peacefully at an old age.
Pimen 是由出生的一個埃及人並且一大禁欲埃及。作為一個男孩, 他訪問了最著名的神的人並且, 從他們,作為一只蜜蜂的收集有形的知識從花收集蜂蜜。Pimen 曾經懇求了年長的葩。韋勒保羅帶他去聖 Paisius 。看的 Pimen , Paisius 說到葩。韋勒保羅︰“這個孩子將保存許多;上帝的手與他一起。”及時, Pimen 是噸肯定一個修道士並且也吸引了 2 個他的兄弟到修道士生活。一旦他的母親來看了,她的兒子但是 Pimen 沒允許她進入但是通過門問她︰“你更需要這裡或在那裡在永恆看見我們嗎?”母親高興得撤退了說︰“自從我將肯定看見你在那裡,然後我不需要這裡看見你。”在這些 3 個兄弟的修道院, 由Anubis神父 管理了, Pimen 的最大的兄弟, 這是他們的規則 [ Typikon ] ︰在晚上, 他們度過了用他們的手工作的 4 個小時, 睡覺的 4 個小時和讀詩篇的 4 個小時。在日子期間, 從早上直到中午,他們在輪流出現的工作和禱告花了;直到薄暮從中午他們花了讀並且, 在下午,他們在 24 個小時為自己唯一的飯準備了晚飯並且那通常由一些蔬菜組成了。有關他們的生活, Pimen 自己說話︰“我們吃了那它被給我們。沒有人曾經說︰“給我另外的東西或我不想要那 . ”在這種方式,我們在沉默和和平花了我們的全部生活。”Pimen 生活了禁欲作為的生活一禁欲在第 5 個世紀並且和平地在老年死了。


2 . 可敬的 PIMEN [ POEMEN ] 巴勒斯坦

Pimen lived a life of asceticism in Rouba, in the wilderness of Palestine during the time of Emperor Maurice (582-602 A.D.). In his youth, he was a shepherd. Once his dogs attacked a man and tore him to pieces and he, out of mischievousness, did not defend the man. As a result of that, it was revealed to him that he, in the end, would die from wild beasts. And thus it happened. He was devoured by wild beasts and gave up his soul to his Lord.
Pimen 生活了在 Rouba 的禁欲主義的生活, 在在皇帝 Maurice 的時間期間的巴勒斯坦的荒地 ( 582-602 A.D ) 。在他的少年,他是一個牧人。一旦他的狗攻擊了一個人並且撕了他成張和他, 從加害,沒保衛這個人。由於那, 被揭示到他他, 最後, 將從野生的野獸死。並且這樣它發生了。他心中充滿了野生的野獸並且放棄了他的靈魂到他的主。


繩索 ovum 之複數的 3.SAINT 驚訝國際學生聯合會主教

As the Bishop of Cordova, Hosius governed the Church in Spain for over sixty years. He prominently participated at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicea [325 A.D.] and presided at the local Council in Sardica in 347 A.D. So zealous was he for Orthodoxy that, before his death, he again issued an anathema against the Arian heresy.
作為繩索 ovum 之複數的主教, Hosius 有超過 60 年的時間在西班牙管理了教會。他顯著地在 Nicea 在第一個全合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教會的委員會參與了 [ 325 A.D ] 並且在 347 在肉紅玉髓集成通信適配器在本地的委員會主持了這樣熱心的 A.D 是他為正統說法, 在他的死亡前,他再對 Arius 阿裡烏斯派的異端邪說發出了譏咒。


4 . 司祭KUKSHA殉教者 和 PIMEN [ POEMEN ] 更快

Kuksha and Pimen were both monks in the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev. Kuksha, with success, preached the Gospel to the Wallachians and baptized them. One day, pagans attacked him and slew him along with his disciple. At that moment, Pimen the Faster was standing during the church service in the Monastery of the Caves and, seeing in the spirit the death of Kuksha his disciple and companion, cried out: "Today, our brother Kuksha was slain for the Holy Gospel." Saying this, he himself gave up the spirit in the year 1113 A.D.
Kuksha 和 Pimen 都是在在 Kiev 的洞的修道院的修道士。Kuksha , 與成功,宣講了主條到 Wallachians 並且給某人施洗禮他們。有天, 異教徙攻擊了他並且旋轉他與他的門徙一起。在那片刻, Pimen 更快在洞的修道院在教會服務期間正在站並且, 在神看見 Kuksha 的死亡他的門徙和同伴, 驚呼︰“今天, 我們的兄弟 Kuksha 為神聖的主條被殺死。”說這, 他自己在一年放棄了神 1113 A.D 。



可敬的 PIMEN [ POEMEN ] 大巴勒斯坦

Venerable Pimen, depth of wisdom,
可敬的 Pimen , 智慧的深度,

And a great torch of Christ's light,

From the time when he put the world of vanity behind him

No one does he reprimand, no one does he reproach
沒有人他責備, 沒有人他責備

Once, before Pimen, the brethren quarreled
曾經, 在 Pimen 前,兄弟們爭吵了

But Pimen remained silent. Some reprimanded him:
但是 Pimen 仍然是沉默。一些責備了他︰

How do you listen to the quarreling and, to you, everything is the same?
你怎麼聽爭吵並且, 到你,任何事情是一樣的?

Pimen replied: I have died a long time ago. -
Pimen 答複了︰我死了很長時間以前。 -

How can I be saved someone asked of him

That my mind, after devilish slander, does not wander?
那我的頭腦, 在魔鬼的謠言以後,別漫步?

Upon boiling water, flies do not land -

And, from a warm soul, the devils flee. -
並且, 從溫暖的靈魂,魔鬼逃跑。 -

Someone else said: What is more certain:

The speech of your brethren or silence?

By one and the other, God is glorified,

For the sake of the glory of God choose one for yourself.

How can one defend himself from evil?

Evil does not permit itself to be defeated by evil

To one who is evil, strive to do something good,
到一個是邪惡的, 努力做好的一些東西,

That will inflame even his heart.

One does not build his home by destroying someone else's home.

There, the third one benefits, and the third one is the devil.
在那裡,第 3 一個受益,並且第 3 一個是魔鬼。

Two wicked passions, poison our souls,
2 居心不良的熱情, 毒害我們的靈魂,

Freedom we do not have while they suffocate us:

Pleasures of the flesh and worldly vanity,

Free from them is only the holy soul.



One who crawls up a steep mountain and scrapes with both hands and feet to take one step forward, not thinking to look back, such were the great Orthodox ascetics in the difficult climb to the Kingdom of God. Their labor and their detachment is indeed for amazement. St. Pimen did not want to see his mother when she came to visit him. A prince wanted to see Pimen but he refused. Then the prince thought of a cunning way, to force the elder to meet with him; he arrested the son of Pimen's sister and said to her that he would release her son only if Pimen himself comes to speak with him. The sister went into the wilderness and, knocking at the door, begged her brother to come out and save her son. But Pimen did not come out. Then sister began to scold and curse him. Hearing of this, the prince ordered that a letter be written to Pimen saying that if he, Pimen, would at least put in writing, (since he did not do so orally) implore the prince to release his nephew, the prince would do so. Pimen replied: "O mighty prince, command to probe well the guilt of the young man and if the guilt is such that he deserves death, let him die, so that by temporal punishment, he will escape the torments in eternity but if the guilt does not merit the penalty of death then castigate him according to the law and then release him." Reading this just and impartial judgment, the prince was greatly astonished, released the youth and his respect for Pimen increased two-fold.
一個在一座陡峭的山上面爬行並且用手和腳刮掉向前采取一個步驟, 不想往回看, 如此的是大的正統的 ascetics 在困難爬到上帝的王國。他們的勞動和他們的分開是確實為驚奇。當她來訪問他時,聖 Pimen 沒想要看見他的母親。一個王子想要看見 Pimen 但是他拒絕了。然後王子想到了一個狡猾的方法,強迫長輩會見他;他逮捕了 Pimen 的姐妹的兒子並且向她說僅當 Pimen 自己來與他一起說話,他將釋放她的兒子。姐妹走了進荒地並且, 敲門, 懇求了她的兄弟出現並且救她的兒子。但是 Pimen 沒出現。然後姐妹開始了責罵並且詛咒他。聽說這, 王子命令了一封信被寫給如果,說那的 Pimen 他, Pimen , 將至少在寫放,( 自從他沒這樣口頭上地做 ) 懇求王子釋放他的外甥, 王子將這樣做。Pimen 答複了︰“ O 有力的王子, 探查年輕的人的犯罪很好的命令並且如果犯罪是如此的他值得死亡, 讓他死, 以便旁邊暫存的懲罰,他將在永恆逃離折磨但是如果犯罪那麼不應得死亡的懲罰,懲罰他根據法律並且然後釋放他。”讀這個公平並且公正的判斷,王子極大地被震驚,釋放了青春並且他的對 Pimen 的方面增加了雙重。



To contemplate Saul's total apostasy from the one God (1 Samuel 28-31 1 Kings 28-31):
沉思 Saul 的從一個上帝的全部的背教 ( 1 塞繆爾 28-31 1 國王 28-31 ) ︰

1. How he [Saul] frightened by the Philistines, turned to a pagan sorceress [the witch of Endor] to prognosticate for him;
1 . 怎麼他 [ Saul ] 由敵人害怕了, 轉到了一個異教徙巫婆 [ Endor 的巫婆 ] 為他預言;

2. How the sorceress, through prognostication, evoked a spirit who called himself Samuel and who prophesied Saul's death;
2 . 怎麼巫婆, 通過預知,喚起了神誰把他自己稱為塞繆爾並且誰預言了 Saul 的死亡;

3. How Saul with his sons perished at the hands of the Philistines.
3 . 與他的兒子一起的 Saul 怎麼在敵人的手死亡了。



About the Day of Christ and how Isaiah prophesied it


"Therefore My people shall know in that day that I am He that does speak: behold, it is I" (Isaiah 52:6).
“因此我的人將在那天知道我是他那確實說話︰看到, 它是我“ ( 艾賽爾 52:6 ) 。

Brethren, our God is the God of Truth. Even on the sun there are spots of darkness but on our God, there is not a spot of untruth. Every word spoken by God through the prophets came true. When the Word [Logos] of God became incarnate in Jesus Christ our Lord, then all the prophecies which referred to Him and which, for the Jews until then were dark enigmas, were revealed as clear as the sun. In the Holy Gospel it is said: "And the Word was made flesh" (St. John 1:14), the Pre-eternal word of God, the eternal Wisdom of God and the Son of God, the Word of God made flesh, every word of prophesy is revealed in bodily form. Until the Lord Christ came in the flesh to visit mankind, the scribes and readers of Holy Scripture could think of many words of the prophets, long and long unfulfilled, that those are only the words of the prophets as men and not words from God. But God did not permit anyone to think lowly of His prophets, that is why He said that men shall know "…in that day that I am He that does speak". Therefore, God wanted to give importance to every word of the prophets and wanted to teach men patience, to patiently await "that day", that wondrous day when the manifestation of the Lord on earth in the flesh will clearly cry out in every ear: "Behold, it is I!" He who recognized the Lord Jesus as God in the flesh, that one recognized in Him, simultaneously, that one Who spoke through the prophets.
兄弟們, 我們的上帝是真相的上帝。在太陽上甚至有黑暗但是在我們的上帝上的點, 沒有虛假的一個點。上帝通過先知說的每個詞實現了。甚麼時候詞 [ 標識語 ] 上帝成為了在伊伊穌。斯耶穌合[利爾]斯托。斯基督賦予吾主, 然後指了他並且哪個的所有的預言, 在那以前為猶太人是暗的謎, 被揭示清楚象太陽一樣。在神聖的主條它被說︰“並且這個詞被成為肉” ( 聖伊望。約翰 1:14 ), 上帝的前永久的詞, 上帝的永久的智慧和上帝的兒子, 上帝的詞做了肉, 每個詞預言在身體的表格被揭示。直到主合[利爾]斯托。斯基督進來了到神聖的經書的訪問人類,文牘和讀者的肉能想到先知的許多詞, 長並且長未實現, 那那些僅僅是作為人的先知的詞並且不從上帝的詞。但是上帝沒允許任何人想低層他的先知,是他說人將知道的原因“在我是的那天的 … 他那確實說話”。因此, 被想要把重要性給先知的每個詞的上帝並且想要司祭耐心, 耐心等候“那天”,在肉在地球上的主的表明將清楚地在每只耳朵驚呼的那令人驚奇的天︰“看到, 它是我﹗”在肉作為上帝認出了主伊伊穌。斯耶穌他, 那在他認出了, 同時, 那通過先知說話了。

"Behold, it is I!" thus speaks Christ today. "I am He" Who speaks through all the created universe. "I am He" Who spoke through the prophets. "I am He" Who, through the lips of the body spoke the words of eternal salvation. "I am He" Who spoke through the apostles, saints and teachers. "I am He" Who speaks and Who will continue to speak through My Holy Church until the end of time. "I am He" Who speaks and "I am He" about Whom it is spoken.
“看到, 它是我﹗”這樣說合[利爾]斯托。斯基督今天。“我是他”通過所有的創造的宇宙說話。“我是他”通過先知說話了。“我是他”, 通過正文的嘴唇說了永久的救助的詞。“我是他”通過宗徒,聖人和教師說話了。“我是他”誰說話並且誰將繼續通過我的神聖的教會說話直到時間的結束。“我是他”說話並且“我是他”關於誰它被說。

O Lord, To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.
哦!主啊, 讚榮和感謝永遠歸於你。阿民。