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1 . 神聖的HIPPOLYTUS殉教者

Hippolytus was a military leader and the overseer of the prisons in Rome. He was born and raised a pagan. When St. Lawrence the archdeacon was thrown into prison, Hippolytus was ordered by the emperor to especially watch over this prisoner. Hippolytus saw with his own eyes how Lawrence restored the sight of the blind man Lucillus and how Lawrence cured many others who were sick and he [Hippolytus] believed in Christ. When Lawrence baptized him, Hippolytus had a heavenly vision and said: "I saw innocent souls in great happiness, i.e., in the heavens." He then took Lawrence into his own home and Lawrence baptized all the members, who with the old governess Concordia, numbered nineteen. When Lawrence was slain for Christ, Hippolytus took the body of the martyr at night, wrapped it in a winding sheet and honorably buried it. However, this somehow came to the ears of Emperor Decius and on the third day following the death of Lawrence, Hippolytus was arrested, brought before the emperor and refusing to deny the True Faith, he was stuck on the mouth with stones. After that, the emperor ordered Hippolytus to be stripped naked and flogged. Naked before the emperor, he said: "You have not stripped me but rather you have begun to clothe me!" Then they stretched him out on the ground and beat him mercilessly but Hippolytus only cried out: "I am a Christian." The emperor upon hearing that all of Hippolytus' household are Christians, he ordered that they all be brought in. The aged Concordia said: "We desire more to die honorably with our master in the Faith of Christ than to live dishonorably with you, who are unclean." Concordia was the first to be slain and, after her, the remaining eighteen were slain, all before the eyes of Hippolytus. Finally, they tied Hippolytus to a wild horse and dragged him here and there until the martyr gave up his soul to God.
Hippolytus 是在[羅爾]瑪的監獄的一個軍事的領導人和在 \O 上看見。他出生並且提起了異教徙。甚麼時候副主教被扔進監獄的聖老楞佐, Hippolytus 被皇帝訂特別看守這個囚犯。Hippolytus 與他的老楞佐恢複了瞎人 Lucillus 的視力並且老楞佐怎麼治好了許多其它的自己的眼睛看了誰是病了的並且他 [ Hippolytus ] 相信的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。當老楞佐給某人施洗禮了時他, Hippolytus 有了天國的視覺並且說︰“我在大幸福看見了無罪的靈魂, 即, 在天堂。”他然後花了老楞佐進他的自己的家和給某人施洗禮的老楞佐所有的成員, 與舊的女家庭教師 Concordia , 標記 19 。當老楞佐為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督被殺死時, Hippolytus 在晚上拿了殉教者的身體, 在一張彎屈的表包了它並且值得尊敬地埋葬了它。然而, 這某種程度來到了皇帝 Decius 並且在跟隨老楞佐的死亡的第 3 天的耳朵, Hippolytus 被逮捕, 在皇帝前帶了並且拒絕否認真實的費思, 他與石頭在嘴上被粘住。在那以後,皇帝命令了 Hippolytus 被脫得光光並且鞭打。裸體在皇帝前,他說︰“你沒剝去我但是相當你開始了給我穿衣服﹗”然後他們外面在地面上拉長了他並且無情地打他但是 Hippolytus 僅僅驚呼了︰“我是一克裡斯琴。”在聽見 Hippolytus 的家庭的那所有之上的皇帝是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教, 他命令了他們都被帶在裡面。變老的 Concordia 說︰“與不名譽地與你同居比,我們需要更多值得尊敬地在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思與吾主人死, 是不潔的。”Concordia 是第一被殺死並且, 在她以後, 留下 18 被殺死, 在 Hippolytus 的眼睛前的所有。最後, 他們系住了 Hippolytus 到一匹野生的馬並且到處拖了他直到殉教者放棄了他的靈魂到上帝。



Tikhon was born in a simple peasant family in the village of Korotsk in the providence of Novgorod in the year 1724 A.D. He received the monastic tonsure at age thirty-four and because of his mortifications and great spiritual wisdom, soon received greater and greater service until finally he was consecrated as the Bishop of Voronezh. His episcopacy lasted for almost five years and, because of frail health, he withdrew and took up residence in the monastery of Zadonsk. He died peacefully in the year 1783 A.D. in Zadonsk where his miracle-working relics now repose. He was a great ascetic of the Russian Church, rare shepherd, intercessor and an author of the most beautiful spiritual works. By his wisdom, holiness and asceticism, Tikhon can be equated among the great fathers of the Orthodox Church of ancient times. Because of the many witnessed miracles over his relics, he was proclaimed a saint, at first, by the people and after that by the official church in the year 1861 A.D.
Tikhon 在一年在諾夫哥主啊的遠見在 Korotsk 的村莊裡在一個簡單的農民家庭出生他收到了的 1724 A.D 在年齡 34 點並且因為他的禁欲和大的神的智慧的修道士剃發,不久收到了越來越大的服務直到最後他作為 Voronezh 的主教被奉獻。他的主教製度持續了幾乎 5 年並且, 因為脆弱的健康,他在 Zadonsk 的修道院在住處上面撤退了並且拿。他和平地在一年死了在 Zadonsk 的 1783 A.D 在哪兒他的工作奇跡遺物現在修養。他是一大禁欲最美麗的神的工作的俄國的教會,稀罕的牧人,調解者和一個作者。由他的智慧,神聖和禁欲主義, Tikhon 能在古老的時間的正統的教會的偉大的父親之中被等同。因為在他的遺物上的許多見証的奇跡, 他被宣告聖人,最初, 由人民並且在那以後由在一年的官方的教會 1861 A.D 。


3 . 可敬的女皇艾琳, 在被稱為 XENIA 的修道生活 [ KSENIA ]

Irene was the wife of Emperor John Comnenus II, 1118-1143 A.D., called Calojohn (Caloyan), John the Good. In addition to her monastic mortifications and many good works, Irene is also famous because she built the Monastery of the Almighty [the Pantocrator] one of the most glorious and most beautiful monasteries in Constantinople. Later on, St. Stephen of Decani lived a life of asceticism in this monastery.
艾琳是皇帝伊望。約翰•科姆嫩烏斯第二的妻子, 1118-1143 A.D , 叫的 Calojohn ( Caloyan ), 伊望。約翰好。除了她的修道士禁欲和許多好工作,因為她造了修道院,艾琳也是著名的萬能 [ Pantocrator ] 在土耳其都市的最光榮並且最美麗的修道院之一。晚些時候,12 月一種著名軟件壓縮工具的聖史蒂芬生活了在這個修道院的禁欲主義的生活。


4 . 可敬的 SERIDUS

Seridus was renowned as the founder of the famous community near Gaza in Palestine. Such glorious fathers as: St. Barsanuphius, John, Abba Dorotheus, Dositheus and others lived a life of asceticism in this community. St. Seridus died in the sixth century and took up habitation in the eternal joy of his Lord.
Seridus 作為在在巴勒斯坦的 Gaza 附近的著名的社區的創始人著名。如此的光榮的父親作為︰聖 Barsanuphius ,伊望。約翰,佐羅塞奧斯神父 , 佐羅塞奧斯和其它生活了在這個社區的禁欲主義的生活。聖 Seridus 在第 6 個世紀死了並且在他的主的永久的快樂收起了居住。




The hut of a peasant, a saint nurtured,
一個農民的小屋, 聖人養育了,

Him, the Orthodox Church, with the spirit imbued:
他, 正統的教會, 與充滿的神︰

Tikhon, the hierarch, as a star shone
Tikhon , 教主, 當一顆星照耀了

And spiritual mysteries, to the world related:
並且神的謎, 聯系了到世界︰

Read Holy Scripture, God, it conceals,
讀神聖的經書, 上帝, 它隱蔽,

It conceals God, and God it reveals.
它隱蔽上帝, 並且它揭示的上帝。

The books of the entire world, do not tell more
全部世界的書, 別更告訴

About God, about you than what the Scripture writes.

Behold, without God, one can not know God
看到, 沒有上帝,一個人不能知道上帝

It is in vain to inquire about God, outside of God.

God gives Himself to us, as much as He fits in our mind
上帝把他自己給我們, 象他在我們的頭腦適合一樣

Into an egg, one can not pour the sea.

How to save the soul, Holy Scripture teaches
怎麼節省靈魂, 神聖的經書教

From sin and death and damnation eternal.

He who is drowning, about water, does not ask,
正在淹死他, 關於水,別問,

Neither what is it? Nor how? Nor from where does it flow?

Rather, about his salvation only, is concerned
相反, 關於他的救助僅僅, 被擔心

And a secure rock, fearfully seeks.
並且安全的岩石, 非常尋求。

And the sea of life, stormily agitates
並且生活的海, stormily 鼓動

The wise one on this sea, for himself, salvation seeks.
在這個海上的明智的一個, 為他自己,救助尋求。

What is this life? Of what is it made?

When death comes upon us, is that so important to know?

On the earth, knowledge and possessions remain,

To the grave, the body and the clothing is given over

The soul, only the soul can still be saved,
靈魂, 僅僅靈魂能仍然被節省,

Endeavor and pray: help me O God!
努力並且祈禱︰幫助我 O 上帝﹗



"Give thanks to the Lord but do not forget His great men, the poor and the needy, for they can accomplish much with God the Lord." These are the words of the illustrious Russian ascetic of the nineteenth century, Father Nazariah, the abbot of Valamo [Valaam]Monastery. He spoke these words to the wife of a high-ranking official in Petrograd [St. Petersburg] who fell into disfavor with the Tsar because of certain serious accusations. The accused official became ill from worry and lay in bed. Hearing that Father Nazariah arrived in Petrograd, the wife of this official hurriedly sought him out and related the misfortune which had befallen them and implored him to pray to the Lord for her husband. "Do you have any copper or silver coins in change?" Father Nazariah asked her. The woman brought the coins and gave them to him. And so, Father Nazariah left. The same evening Nazariah again returned and gladdened the wife with this news: "Glory to God, all those close to the Tsar [God, the King] have promised to pray for you." Naturally, the wife thought of Tsar Alexander Pavlovitch and his courtiers, while the spiritual father was thinking about the beggars on the streets to whom he had distributed the coins and sent them to pray to God for the husband of this woman. And suredly the news arrived that the emperor ordered that the matter concerning this official be taken up again and reviewed. And, it was just what the official wanted. When the woman began to thank Father Nazariah, he said: "Give thanks to the Lord but do not forget His great men, the poor and the needy, for they can accomplish much with God the Lord."
“由於主給但是不忘記他的偉人, 窮人並且貧困, 因為他們能與上帝完成主很多。”這些是第 19 個世紀禁欲的輝煌的俄語的詞, Nazariah神父 , Valamo 的修道院院長 [ Valaam ] 修道院。他在 Petrograd 說了這些詞到一個高級官員的官員的妻子 [ 聖 Petersburg ] 因為某個嚴肅的控告與皇帝掉進了疏遠。被告的官員從擔心變得了有病並且躺在床。聽說生 Nazariah 到達了 Petrograd , 這個官員的妻子匆匆外面尋求了他並且聯系降臨了他們並且懇求了他為她的丈夫向主祈禱的不幸。“你在變化有任何銅或銀硬幣嗎?”Nazariah神父 問她。這個女人帶了硬幣並且把他們給了他。並且因此,Nazariah神父 離開了。一樣的晚上 Nazariah 再回來了並且與這條新聞使喜悅了妻子︰“到上帝的光榮, 靠近皇帝的所有的那些 [ 上帝, 國王 ] 答應了為你祈禱。”自然地, 妻子想到了皇帝亞力山大•帕夫洛威奇和他的廷臣奉承者, 當神的父親在他散布了硬幣到其並且送了他們為這個女人的丈夫向上帝祈禱的街上正在考慮乞丐時。並且肯定地新聞到達了皇帝命令了有關這個官員的事再被收起並且考察。並且, 它只是官員想要的。當這個女人開始了謝謝Nazariah神父 時,他說︰“由於主給但是不忘記他的偉人, 窮人並且貧困, 因為他們能與上帝完成主很多。”



To contemplate the wondrous might of prophesying (1 Samuel 10 1 Kings 10):
沉思令人驚奇可能預言 ( 1 塞繆爾 10 1 國王 10 ) ︰

1. How Samuel prophesied to Saul all that will happen to him one day;
1 . 塞繆爾怎麼預言了到將有天發生在他身上的 Saul ;

2. How the Spirit of God came upon Saul and he also prophesied.
2 . 上帝的神怎麼也在 Saul 和他之上來了,預言了。



About the chief prophesy of the Prophet Isaiah


"Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel" (Isaiah 7:14).
“看到, 一個童女將構思並且生一個兒子並且將把他的名字稱為伊曼紐爾” ( 艾賽爾 7:14 ) 。

This glorious prophecy concerning the birth of the Lord by a virgin was spoken by Isaiah, the prophet who saw God, at the moment of the greatest despair which befell Jerusalem. The multitudinous army of Syrians and Ephriams had surrounded the city, around the very walls of the city. King Ahaz, with neither an army nor weapons and the inhabitants of Jerusalem were in mortal fear. "The heart of the king [Ahaz] and the heart of the people trembled, as the trees of the forest tremble in the wind" (Isaiah 7:2). In that final hour of the king's despair, Isaiah came before the king and by command of God said to him: "Fear not neither be fainthearted" (Isaiah 7:4). Then Isaiah prophesied that the enemies would not take Jerusalem. Seeing that King Ahaz did not believe him, Isaiah told the king to ask for a sign, a miracle, be it from heaven or from earth. However, the unbelieving king did not want to ask but remained obstinate in his doubt. The prophet then said that God would give them a sign, even though they did not seek it. This sign refers to distant times and concerns the universal salvation of the mankind. "A virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel" which is to say: "God is with us." Why did not the prophet immediately give a sign so that the king would believe? Because, that prophecy about the salvation of Jerusalem, in the hour when the king thought that all had fallen, was sufficient enough to show both the power of God and the unbelief of the king. Why did the prophet, at that very moment and under such circumstances, foretell the prophecy of the birth of the Savior? Because mankind, at the time of the coming of the Savior, will be in the same kind of despair, pressured by and surrounded by the powers of the demons, as was Jerusalem at that moment. Did the prophet explicitly say Virgin and not a Woman? Naturally, he mentioned a Virgin. For if the prophesy were spoken of a woman, what kind of miracle would it be; what kind of sign? Are not all men born of women? All the weight of emphasis is on the word "Virgin."
有關由一個童女的主的出生的這光榮的預言被艾賽爾說, 先知看見了上帝, 目前降臨了耶路撒冷的最大的絕望。Syrians 和 Ephriams 的大群的軍隊包圍了城市, 在城市的牆附近。國王 Ahaz , 在致命的害怕與耶路撒冷的既不一軍隊也不武器和居民一起。“國王的心 [ Ahaz ] 並且人民的心抖動了, 當森林的樹在風中抖動” ( 艾賽爾 7:2 ) 。在那國王的絕望的最後的小時, 艾賽爾在國王前並且由向他被說的上帝的命令來了︰“不也不害怕懦弱” ( 艾賽爾 7:4 ) 。然後艾賽爾預言了敵人將不拿耶路撒冷。看見那國王 Ahaz 沒相信他, 艾賽爾告訴了國王要求一個跡象, 一個奇跡, 從天堂或從土是它。然而, 不相信的國王沒想要問但是在他的疑問仍然是固執。先知然後說上帝將給他們一個跡象,盡管他們沒尋求它。這個跡象參考遠時間並且使人類的通用的救助擔心。“一個童女將構思哪個是說並且生一個兒子並且將把他的名字稱為伊曼紐爾”︰“上帝與我們一起。”不先知為甚麼很快地給了一個跡象以便國王將相信?因為, 關於耶路撒冷的救助的那預言, 在國王認為都掉落了的小時,是足夠足夠的給兩個看上帝的力量和國王的不信。為甚麼做了先知, 在那很片刻並且在如此的情形下面,預知救世主的出生的預言?因為人類, 在救世主來的時間, 將在絕望的一樣的類型, 前肯定由並且由魔鬼的電源包圍了, 它是在那片刻的耶路撒冷。先知明確地說童女並且不一個女人嗎?自然地, 他提及了一個童女。為如果預言一個女人被說, 甚麼樣的奇跡它將是;甚麼樣的簽名?不所有的男人女人是出生的嗎?強調的所有的重量在詞上“童女。”

Thus, the All-seeing God knows how to tie in the near with the distant and that, by fulfilling one prophecy in the present, He confirms a second prophecy in the future. "Emmanuel God is with us" - He saved Jerusalem then as an invisible God. "Emmanuel God is with us" He will save mankind in similar dangers later on as the Incarnate God, as God-Man, born of the All-Pure Virgin and the Holy Spirit.
這樣, 都看見上帝知道怎麼系住在近與遠並且那, 由在禮品完成一預言,他在未來証實第 2 預言。“伊曼紐爾上帝與我們一起” - 他然後作為一個不可見的上帝節省了耶路撒冷。“伊曼紐爾上帝與我們一起”他將晚些時候在類似的危險節省人類作為賦予上帝, 作為神人,出生都純的童女和聖神。

O Lord, Who gave power to the prophets to see the truth as it comes from afar, give us the power to embrace that truth which has already come.
哦!主啊, 把功率給了先知把真相看作它的人,來從遠方, 給我們功率擁抱已經來了的那真相。

To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.