Русский | Hong Kong, June 6, 2010
English translation by Nina Tkachuk Dimas

Chinese translation of a book by famous theologian, Jaroslav Pelikan, published in Hong Kong

With the assistance of the Orthodox parish of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Hong Kong, the Institute of Sino-Christian Studies published a Chinese translation of volume two of "The Christian Tradition", a five-volume book by the famous theologian Jaroslav Pelikan.

J. Pelikan is an outstanding scholar of modern Christianity of different eras. He studied the ancient patristic heritage of the East and West in depth and investigated its complex relationship with classical thought and culture. At the same time, the object of his scientific interests were and the great theological syntheses of the Middle Ages, as well as the evolution of Christian doctrine during the Reformation and beyond, until the XX century.

The special significance of this edition is that it is meant to convey to the Chinese reader the complex and rich heritage of Eastern Christian tradition, which is still not well known outside of Orthodox churches. This book is addressed not only to those who study church history and theology, but also philosophers, scholars of religion and a wide range of specialists in the humanities.