Русский | The Khabarovsk theological seminary | November 24, 2006

The gospel in North Korea is complicated owing to absence of the Orthodox literature

PYONGYANG. Opened in August of this year in Pyongyang Orthodox Holy Trinity temple practically is not attended by local population. About it(this) has told today correspondent of ITAR-TASS one of the Korean employees of this temple.

"The majority of Koreans trusts in idea of chuchkhe (self-reliance. - Note. Ed.)", says source. However, in its(his) opinion, parishioners will appear in due course when at Koreans will be more information on Orthodoxy. While reception of such information becomes complicated absence of the Orthodox literature in the Korean language. Work on translation(transfer) of some books is already conducted.

Well for now the basic religion there is a belief in chuchkhe, and also in wisdom of leader KNDR Kim Jong Il and his late father, the first and "eternal" president of national republic Kim Il Sung, who are esteemed here as deities.

The holy temple was consecrated by metropolitan Smolensk and Kaliningrad Kirill on August, 13th, has been erected under the personal instruction(indication) of leader KNDR Kim Jong Il. Its(his) bookmark has begun in 2003 at active support of Russian Orthodox Church, Orthodox committee KNDR, and also embassy of the Russian Federation in this country. Financing of this project was completely incured, however, by the Korean party(side) though during construction donations from various sources have been received. In particular, the church utensils is completely brought from Russia.

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