Kratkaja Istorija Duxonvyx Missij v Kitae, (c. 1915-16)
English trans. by Jeremias Norman. Original posting: 54)


This is a large trading town located on the left bank of the Han river, about 100 versts from Hankou. In this town and its environs missionary preaching found favorable soil and enjoyed success. In the persons of two brothers, local craftsmen, Eugene and Capiton Chen, the mission found zealous workers. The first missionary journey to the town was made by Fr Archimandrite Simon. In the next year, there was already a school and chapel in the Chen's home. In the spring of 1910 Hierodeacon Antony came to this town where he stayed for two months. In the evenings he arranged meetings for prayer and instruction, preparing those who desired it for baptism. At the end of the year, the young and energetic Tarassios Ge, a student of the missionary seminary, was appointed preacher. He gained the favor of the local population and as a result was able to organize large meetings of Christians on Sundays and Holidays. The establishment of the school was exemplary; there were 35 students. Altogether 90 people were baptized in Xientaozhen, some of them being from other towns.