Kratkaja Istorija Duxonvyx Missij v Kitae, (c. 1915-16)
English trans. by Jeremias Norman

Jiangxi province

[Omitted is a section on Russian dachas in Jiangxi]

Jiangxi province is located south of the Yangtze river. The village of Xiaoqikou is on the left bank of the Yangtze across from the city of Jiujiang. In 1911 Sophrony Wang was sent there; he had been baptized in Shanghai. Within a year he was able to prepare 60 people who were then baptized. At the same time a school was opened but it failed to show good results since there was no teacher sufficiently versed in Orthodox writings. As a result, it was necessary to close the school until a suitable person could be found or trained.