Kratkaja Istorija Duxonvyx Missij v Kitae, (c. 1915-16)
English trans. by Jeremias Norman. Original posting: 55)

Surrounding towns of Xiantaozhen

"Simultaneously preaching was spread to surrounding towns. In 1911 in April, with Fr Simon's arrival in the village of Xinkou, a school was opened in quarters left to the mission some 10 years before, and 55 people were baptized, all of whom were well prepared. Somewhat later in the neighboring village Zhangtangkou, 8 people were baptized, and 21 were baptized in the village of Luobajia, where there is a chapel. In 1912, 22 people were baptized in Louzui. In the village of Luguanmiao 35 people were baptized. In the village of Heiliudu on the Han river, east of Xiantaozhen, where a chapel was given us, 23 people were baptized. In 1913, people wishing to be baptized were found in the village of Dafujie. They provided a house for preaching and have requested a school. All in all, 277 people were baptized in this region, and there are still others preparing for baptism. The area of Xiantaozhen is an important missionary center under the direct supervision of monk Tertius (Tarassios Ge). A small church needs to be constructed here along with a regular priest in residence. Two or three schools also need to be opened but the mission lacks the means to do this.