English Machine Translation via http://www.online-translator.com/srvurl.asp?lang=en of http://www.magister.msk.ru/library/roerich/roer059.htm Nikolay Roerich. THE HOUSE OF MERCY Mercy - in fact this one of the most touching words prekrasnozvuchnogo Russian. It belongs to those inspiring concepts which in vanity of day so are frequently said in full negligence. Mercy, compassion, gratitude, it sensible - stvovanie, itself. All these words so frequently repeat with uterej their any sense. Instead of nobly sonorous I "thank" in turmoil leaves "bldarju", instead of benevolent "hello" leaves it is offensive senseless "zdraste", and not in that put, that such valuable concepts are said muffledly by language, but thus they in a hostel lose fine and calling value. Meanwhile all these complex considered-compound definitions and wishes are given not as a ridiculous abstractness, but as the high reality brought in daily use. It is joyful there where these precepts in effectiveness again remind us the first purpose. Each time when you visit " the House of Mercy ", it always admires me svoeju with effectiveness. Only think, during such hard time as now when only cruel abolition and curtailment everywhere is heard, in our terrible days good construction of " the House of Mercy " does not become transfixed. When people think only of that, as though already former has existed, then " the House of Mercy " is going to open doors for the new help. Really it is possible to admire indefatigable good energy of the spiritual owner of " the House of Mercy " archbishop Nestora. If and in days of such unprecedented ruin and damage it is possible to overcome all the same obstacles and to build, in it the unusual example sozidatelstva which so is combined with true spirituality is shown. And young runaways grow about " the House of Mercy ", as true patrol of a sacred stronghold. And not only pechetsja the spiritual owner about children and aged and about all truzhdajushchihsja. His deep thought lives among great peace-making problems, everywhere uniting, healing and bringing pleasure. And even more pathetically and lord Nestor cares of all spiritual bread. Unless it is not wonderful, that at " the House of Mercy " the museum-storehouse about which the builder kind writes in the recent letter is created also: " Saint Sergy Radonezhsky which so is held sacred by you to which sacred prays ljubovno it is devoted our modest museum-storehouse, yes will be always the assistant... " The Saint tutor of Russian national spirit, the indefatigable worker and the founder. Saint Sergy so it is vividly recollected at everyone to the blessing the directed construction. When even many educational and educational establishments do not take into head creation in the walls of a material reminder about sacred and cultural then " the House of Mercy ", and in this sense velikomiloserdija, sets a good example. To me, maybe, will tell, that difficulty of a modern life prevents such educational undertaking. But it not so. We know enough, that poverty does not interfere with cleanliness and that construction not is only a product of surplus and luxury. I personally had to make sure in the different countries, how construction and good collecting frequently arose among the most deprived, but the most alive spirit. Could name many examples to how most people, apparently, constrained by circumstances made the most useful assemblies for the national blessing. I remember the poor high-school student who for the labour copecks has made valuable assembly of art cards. I remember the student who, having cut down opportunities of trite amusements, has created already in student's years fine assembly of pictures. I remember colonel very much constrained by circumstances who was set by an original and fine idea to collect initial sketches of artists for their future pictures. I remember, how it indefatigably addressed to artists who gave it the first sketches, and thus within less than ten years the fine and unique assembly of the first and bright displays of creativity was made. And in fact all know, that the first art idea quite often happens more ognenna, rather than rationally-considered a picture. I take these three examples from a life Russian, and how many the same fine displays I could name both in America, and in Europe, and in India. Business not becomes completely clear, that in that the structure would go from surplus, from luxury, on the contrary, true collecting is born in spirit and intimate fire overcomes all difficulties in the name of the blessing. Such collecting is one of bases of alive ethics of which so a little now think. We should struggle against any addicts, whether but such misfortune arises it from impossibility of a touch to sacred, fine? In fact it is even not accepted to speak about ethics. This alive beginning is put in the category of those truisms which in a conditional society it is even not accepted to mention. But the life atop of all ignorant destructions all the same reminds of the great responsibility of the person, and in particular we should be grateful to those who, despite of all obvious difficulties, continues to create and create. In Harbin there is no art museum. The youth has no place to go spiritually to have a rest in fine, but also here there is a favour of heart. Only think, not who other, how " the House of Mercy " comes to the aid and in this spiritual urgent question. Certainly, if it will be difficult to collect to " the House of Mercy " only originals, let there will be also good reproduction, but a place of spirit ohranit a choice and structure of these aspirations of human creativity. I can not tell, how it is joyful, that within the limits of mercy such bread spiritual which will involve has joined also and will set set of hearts, and among them hearts young. We shall be pleased to each association. We shall be pleased to each purchase of fine divisions and decomposition. And other sacred undertaking should please everyone ustremlennoe to the blessing heart. Before our eyes in Harbin Sacred Vladimir's Institute is created. Certainly, any beginning is difficult, but because of these works there is an idea of association. Who will not be pleased, that today and business educational, educational can receive a sign on aspiration to association! That circumstance, that in the chapter of Institute of Sacred Vladimir costs ruling archbishop Melety, and the board is headed by bishop Dimitriem, should be a pledge, that all goodwill, all tolerance and the containment peculiar Hristovu to education will be brought in business. If the Institute can begin only with three faculties nothing can prevent to think to us about expansion of this program and entering into it of those historical, humanitarian and art tasks which already usually are included into the program of university. To me will tell, that it is difficult now, but, I repeat, difficulty not once was then poroditelem special energy which overcame. In fact first of all ideas cause consequences. Therefore fearlessly to base on thinking of association all sacred, all fine, all cognitive which will find ways of realization if only there was a consent. Unless not deep pleasure, that by day of the Tutor of Russian national spirit we have an opportunity to remember such great building bases, as education and collecting. Having arrived in Harbin, I spoke and was pleased both about latent and about obvious opportunities of this place, and now on solar Sunday when ringing of church bells of temples Hristovyh when we are going to go on consecration of Institute of St.. Vladimir rings, and then on moleben in " the House of Mercy ", unless it is not joyful to recollect among light and the mutual statement in bases of a unification. So, on everyone it "is impossible" we shall tell sincere and intimate it "is possible". A good Russian word - mercy. Harbin. On October, 7, 1934.