Русский | BPDS - " the Missionary review " № 8, 2002 | English Machine Translation
Archimandrite Avgustin (Nikitin),
senior lecturer SPbDA


History of orthodox mission

(Continuation, has begun see in № 7 for 2002)

By a frigate "Pallada" (1852-1854)

In 1852 about. Avvakum the general-aide-de-camp has been sent as the translator of the Chinese language to structure of expedition. Century Putjatina, had for an object to fasten attitudes with Japan. During expedition about. Avvakum acted also as the cleric by a frigate "Pallada".

This travel was included not only into history of the ?onnei-Japanese communications, but also in history of the domestic literature. " A frigate a Pallada " - one of I.A.Goncharov's (1811-1891) who are also taken part this navigation the most known products. Staff of a frigate "Pallada", under a command captain-lieutenant Ivan Semenovicha Unkovskogo, at an output from Kronstadt (on October, 7th, 1852) totaled 486 ?aeiaae.58 Names about. Avvakuma and I.A.Goncharov in the list of members of crew cost beside: " S.Peterburgskoj of diocese Troitsko-Aeaenaia?ianeie Laurels archimandrite Avvakum, stolonachalnik Department of foreign trade collegiate asessor Ivan Goncharov, the Ministries for Foreign Affairs of the Asian department collegiate asessor Joseph Goshkevich " 59. Joseph Goshkevicha's name here is resulted also not casually. Goshkevich (Gashkevich) Has got hoarse Antonovich, the official of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the expert on the Far East, floated on "Pallada" the translator; later it became the first Russian envoy in Japan, has made the dictionary of the Japanese language, has collected greater collections (are stored in the Zoological museum of the Russian Academy of Science in St.-Petersburg) .60

Strict observance of church rules by the ship, on memoirs I.S.Unkovskogo who has been written down on Century by K.Istomin, spoke, partly, devotion of the chief of expedition: " Among seamen hearings as if in a youth, suffering heavy illness, Putjatin has allowed a vow to act in case of recover in monks went. Illness has passed, and with it and the determination to renounce the world. The outstanding promise as if weighed soul of admiral, and it tried in difficult conditions of a sea life whenever possible strictly to observe the charter and requirements of Church. On " a Pallada ", according to Unkovskogo, within day prayful singing was repeatedly distributed, continually in a cabin of admiral demanded fregatskogo ieromonaha (arhim. Avvakuma - and.), and in free from service and prayful employment time admiral liked to listen to reading " Lives sacred " or others dushespasitelnye books " 61.

For the first time I.A.Goncharov has mentioned about about. Avvakume in the letter from Portsmouth (England) where "Pallada" has come on the holiday's eve of Christmas Hristova 1852/53 " To the first day of a holiday was church service, then the general dinner, - Ivan Aleksandrovich informed. - On a deck the wind hardly from legs does not knock down; at father Avvakuma two hats have departed to the sea, one popovskaja, with wide fields, which parusjat not by, and another local " 62.

Father Avvakum had no experience of voyages, and Goncharov sometimes good-natured bantered at the ship priest. " It seems, I can safely be charged for all my comrades of navigation, that anybody from them did not have with etoju prekrasnoju the person of any unpleasant, even an annoying minute, - Ivan Aleksandrovich recollected. - And if happened here what comic property. For example, I remember, once, walking with me on shkantsah, it suddenly... Has spat upon a deck. Horror!

SHkantsy is something like ship skinii, the most smart, almost sacred place. The deck is scraped, rubs a brick, washes almost every day and shines, as glass. And father Avvakum - has sneezed repeatedly, rassmorkalsja and - has spat. I remember a sight of amazement of the log officer, thrown on it, then on me. It has made the same effort above itself(himself) to refrain from any remark, as I - from laughter. " As it is a pity, that it - not the sailor! " - it has whispered to me then when father Avvakum has turned away. This minute the officer long remembered, and I had long fun her " 63.

Sending to distant edges, Goncharov was already known as the author of the story " Ordinary history " (1846). The participation in travel by a frigate "Pallada" it considered as an opportunity to collect a rich material for the next book. It dnevnikovye records differed thoroughness and contained set of neat supervision. In the book the writer has paid attention and to the satellites with which it has lead by the ship almost two years. Here some more lines devoted about. Avvakumu. " It lived in the special world of ideas, knowledge, kind feelings - and in the relations with all us was equally friendly, affable. The odd science to live with all in the world and love there was at it not a science, and the nature consecrated by principles deep and prosveshchennoj of religion. It was given to it easily: it was not necessary for it umenja - it other could not be. It did not interfere never with the business, to anybody in what it was not imposed, was modest, did not try to expose itself and did not apply for the right even own, integral merits, and rendered them silently and much - both the knowledge, and moral influence on all circle plavatelej, not lectures and sermons on which was not generous, and simply example of equal, late character and mild, almost infantile soul. In conversations its mind was seasoned I shall often merge a lung and always good-natured humour " 64.

Father Avvakum too kept a diary onboard a frigate, but its note differed brevity. And for records it has got a writing-book only " in one of juzhnoafrikanskih ports as about it it is possible to guess on the basis of printed under some numbers zametok assemblies of different campaigns and the societies concerned to Kapskoj of a colony " 65.

The Difference between a Gregorian calendar widespread in the Western Europe, and julianskim a calendar which was used in Russia, in XIX century made 12 days. Therefore in addition to typographical dates in English on a Gregorian calendar about. Avvakum results dates on julianskomu to a calendar accepted in Russia. From now on dnevnikovye records about. Avvakuma and I.A.Goncharov at times supplement each other.

Having rounded Southern Africa, the frigate has continued long and difficult travel to the Far East. Health of some members of crew has been undermined so, that they required long treatment. In June, 1853 "Pallada" has come to Hong Kong, and one of sailors has been evacuated on coast in a grave condition. Under June, 23rd about. Avvakum has made such record: " to Morning I went in hospital prichashchat sailor Fedota Alekseeva (bezrukogo the sailor, oderzhimogo a fever) " 66. And next day, on June, 24th, about. Avvakum " at 5 1/2 o'clock has gone to hospital to read the burial service over died sailor Fedota Alekseeva. The coffin spent for city " 67.

Presence of the orthodox priest onboard a frigate caused interest in local clergy, and about. Avvakumu it was possible to meet here with inoslavnymi workers on field Bozhiej. So, on June, 23rd, having returned from hospital on the ship, " has found at itself Chineses from whom one has come to copy the Chinese paper, another, with the silk shawles embroidered by white silk patterns, - informed about. Avvakum. - the Chinese bishop with 2 Italians and one Chinese priest was at us " 68.

This meeting is described also by Goncharov: " After arrival of admiral bishop has made to it visit. It was accompanied with retinue from four missionaries from whom two were the Spanish monks, one Frenchman and one Chinese studied in the well-known Roman school of propagation. It kept the Chinese suit more freely to go across China, for the relations with local Christians and for the reference new. All of them had breakfast at us; conversation with bishop, the Italian, occured in French, and with the Chinese father Avvakum spoke on-Latin " 69. And next day aboard "Pallada" the new visitor has welcome: " in the Evening the English priest from a frigate was at us, I have given it the New testament " 70, - marked about. Avvakum.

prostojav some time in the Hong Kong harbour, "Pallada" was removed from an anchor and has headed for Japan. And about. Avvakumu it was necessary to continue hard vicarial service. Here fragments from a diary of the ship priest. " On July, 5th. Sunday. Week 4-th on pjatidesjatnitse. Obednja. Requiem after sailor Fedote Alekseeve. Moleben Saint Sergiju (Radonezhskomu) " 71.

" On July, 7th. Tuesday. 1853 At 6 o'clock have approached to islands manilskim. On the right the island Bashi was visible; on it there is a Catholic monastery " 72.

" On July, 20th. Monday. At 8 o'clock obednitsa and moleben to Ilya-prophet " 73.

" On August, 29th. Saturday. At 6 1/2 o'clock obednja and requiem on ubiennym to soldiers " 74. (On orthodox soldiers, for belief and fatherland on a field of battle ubiennym).

Members of crew courageously transferred all burdens of long travel with its inevitable deprivations. On September, 6th, on Sunday, about. Avvakum has brought in the diary mournful lines: " At 6 1/2 o'clock obednja. Upon termination of this at rise stengi one sailor Boriss Adrian has fallen down with salinga a deck, has hurted awfully, is lifted without feelings; blood is started up, has come to feelings, is attached to Sacred Secret. At 1 1/3 o'clock has died " 75.

" On September, 7th. Monday. In 5 o'clock in the morning obednja and burial service of the sailor; all this has terminated at 7 o'clock " 76.

If danger of death was not avoided even by skilled sailors what to speak about ship priests! In fact not without reason in the ship charter since Peter times the circle of duties of the pastor has been precisely limited with the firm instruction: " any (ship) business to not enter, below what on will and to the predilection to conceive ". It should read a private rule silently in the cabin, not involving in it anybody from members of crew, " that by reading partikuljarnym pomeshki and prepjatija in affairs of the general ship to not do ".

But frameworks of the instruction were for about. Avvakuma too close, that sometimes led to unforeseen consequences. I.A.Goncharov tells about one of such episodes. " Somewhere in belts of continuous summer, at calm, we strolled with father Avvakumom on shkantsam. Suddenly to it has taken in head to climb up on trehstupennoj lesenke a platform from which ordinarily, costing, the log officer orders. Father Avvakum has surveyed the sea and then, having turned back a back to it, suddenly... Villages on this platform " to have a rest " as it used to say. Again scandal! The captain above was not, and the log officer looked at archimandrite - as though wished it to eat, but did not dare to notice, that on shkantsah to sit it is impossible. It was known, certainly, also by father Avvakum, but by absent-mindedness has forgotten, not attributing it any essential importance. Others who here was, smiled - and too spoke nothing. And it did not guess and, " having had a rest ", began to go again " 77.

The Ship priest often had to be convinced of what fragile side separates on the sea human life from death. Having reached coast of Japan, "Pallada" has risen on spot-check near Nagasaki near to Russian korvetom "Olivuts". And about. Avvakum, in record from September, 23rd, marks: " At 10 o'clock I have gone on korvet to read the burial service over requiem on sunk in this day for 2 years ago in Kamchatka the former commander its Ivan Sushchove with three sailors " 78.

Has not passed also month as in record from October, 22nd it is readable: " At 6 1/2 o'clock obednja and requiem on usopshih - mothers and brother Ivan Semenovicha Unkovskogo about which death news " 79 yesterday is brought.

Here one more message, datirovannoe on November, 13th: " to Morning has read the burial service over requiem after prince Urusove " 80. (Urusov Sergey Stepanovich - prince, the naval cadet, then the warrant officer on "Pallada"). But members of crew did not grumble on destiny, submissively entrusting the lives to Craft Bozhiju. " Year to our travel was executed. Obednja and thankful moleben " 81, - has written down about. Avvakum in the diary under October, 7th.

For members of crew about. Avvakum was the spiritual instructor followed an apostolic precept: " Be always ready to answer any report demanding from you in your hope with mildness and awe " (1 Peter. 3, 15). So onboard "Pallada" about. Avvakumu it was necessary to be and zakonouchitelem: " I interpreted junkeru Lazarevu a catechism " 82, - it has noted in record under October, 26th. Here it was a question of 13-years Michael Lazareve, - the son of admiral of M. of Item Lazareva (1788-1851) who participated in expedition as junkera fleet.

And as to mildness to its ship priest was to not borrow. According to Goncharov, about. Avvakum " as itself personally had no enemies, all favourite and all loved did not assume them anywhere and in anybody: nor on the sea, neither on a land, nor in people, in the ships. It had an enmity only to one big gun as to absolutely not necessary subject in its eyes which stood in its cabin and took away from it a lot of open space and to light " 83.

Already more than year about. Avvakum was far from the native land and it had time to bring some results of the service of Church. " On November, 9th (1853). Monday. This day 24 years, as I postrizhen in monks (in 1829) were executed. Thank God, has lived much! ", 84 - it has written down in the diary.

O.Avvakum often recollected the St.-Petersburg Spiritual academy and years of study in its walls. Close relations at it have developed with one of its professors - Evgrafom Ivanovichem Lovjaginym (1822-1909); within 48 years it was professor SPbDA. The son of the rector of the Tver spiritual school, E.I.Lovjagin was the fellow countryman about. Avvakuma, and it has pull together them subsequently. They had general friends - family Kubasovyh; it also mentions about. Avvakum in record from November, 20th: " I Have decided to write Evgrafu Ivanovichu that it has ordered to Russian artist Peshehonovu to write an image of the Savior, to impose with its border or like a cope in silver, and then this image to transfer in the mentioned family with an explanation, that the promised image of the Savior is forwarded by Ekaterina Ivanovnoj " 85.

If call of "Pallada" to Hong Kong has allowed about. Avvakumu to fasten new acquaintances stay in Shanghai has enabled it to fill up the library with books on history of China. About it about. Avvakum informs in record from November, 28th: " After a breakfast went with Goshkevichem to English missionaries Medgorstu and other. Have typed the books published by them, in English and Chinese languages. Were at Medgursta in a room. It was engaged with the Chinese popravkoju the New testament, to it translated. Were in school and hospital. After a dinner went to the Chinese suburb " 86.

Data about Medgorste can be found and at I.A.Goncharov. " Medgorst - one of the most active missionaries: it lives 30 years in China and continuously podvizaetsja in favour of distribution of christianity; it translates the European books on the Chinese language, goes from a place on a place. It now lives in Shanghai ", - the Russian writer informed, marking thus: " we sinologi were at it and have got many the books published by it, enough rare in the Europe. The some people it has presented them " 87.

Ivan Aleksandrovich also communicated in Shanghai with Anglican missionaries. They have presented Goncharov 3 books published by them in the Chinese language: " the New testament, Geography and Ezopovy a fable ". " They translate and print books in London - terribly to tell in what number of copies: in millions, bring to China and distribute gift. To me named a name of the English richman which has offered, together with others, the huge sums on these editions, - I.A.Goncharov marked. - one forces to be afraid for success of christianity (in China - and.): this rivalry between distributors; it, unfortunately, partly already exists. Catholic missionaries forbid to the pupils to have the books published by Protestants " 88.

In Shanghai " we sinologi " visited book-stores repeatedly, that follows from record about. Avvakuma from November, 30th: " After tea went to Fogu (the American dealer in Shanghai - and.) in shop, ordered and bought some things. Has found at it a card of China in the Chinese language, published by Englishmen on the sample of cards European with separate plans 5-oe ports: Shanghai, Ninas-on, Fuzhou, Amoy and Canton " 89. These books helped about. Avvakumu it is easier to adapt to local traditions. Here characteristic record such: " on September, 24th (1853). CHetvertok. At dinner submitted compote from shi-ocu which in Macao name figos kathes (on Morrisonovu to a lexicon: diospyros) " 90.

Here it is a question of Robert Morrison (1782-1834), the Anglican priest. The traveller, the first English missionary in China, it has translated into the Chinese language Shabby and the New testament, has made grammar and the dictionary of the Chinese language. On the educational system created by Morrison, in China a number oeie.91 has been opened

Library about. Avvakuma replenished after each visiting city. So, in record under December, 1st it is readable: " Have come into one English shop where I have bought the commercial dictionary in English and the New testament in French. After a dinner were in a printing house of magazine " Gerald " to buy trading treatises of Europeans with Chineses in the Chinese language and a particle of the Chinese conversations on the Shanghai adverb " 92.

In a week - the next campaign behind books: " on December, 7th. Monday. After a dinner went to English missionaries, have bought different books. Wylia reads CHun-o?. Looked, how the machine " 93 operates skoropechatnaja. A brief mention of treatise CHun-o? about. Avvakum has not accompanied any comments, - in fact it did not assume to publish the records. And as the diary of the Russian missionary has been published in 132 years after its death it is necessary to tell some words about CHun-o?, that in translation means " Spring and autumn ".

It is one of initial monuments konfutsianstva, pogodichnaja the chronicle drevnekitajskogo empires Lu, covering events with 722 for 481 up to n.e. The name expresses idea time tsiklizma ("generating" spring and autumns summing up).

O.Avvakumu it was possible to work with ancient texts not only in the cabin, but also in field conditions, - literally this word. In a diary of the ship priest it it is modestly held back. But, owing to I.A.Goncharov's records, we can be convinced once again of extensive erudition of Russian kitaeveda. " We went on fields, zasejannym different vegetables, - Ivan Aleksandrovich writes. - Farms are disseminated sazhens in hundred fifty or two hundred from each other. Looked in domy; " chin-?eiu ", we spoke inhabitants: they smiled and asked to enter. The Chinese has looked out of doors of one farm, gray-haired, in glasses, with the huge round glasses, kept only on a nose. In hands it had a book. Father Avvakum has taken from it the book, has removed glasses from its nose, has put on the, and began to read aloud on-eeoaenee, as in Russian. The Chinese and has opened wide a mouth. The book was - Konfutsy " 94. (Obviously, it there was a book " Lun juj " (" Conversations and judgements "), made by followers Konfutsija and representing record of its conversations with pupils) .95

In I.A.Goncharov's novel not always there was an exact dating of those or other events. But in this case it is possible to compare with the resulted record with zametkami about. Avvakuma. It mentions this walk on vicinities of Shanghai under December, 6th 1853 g.: " At 10 o'clock have gone on nashchu a schooner which-that have bought from Chineses, have passed on a field; a funeral procession " 96.

In I.A.Goncharov's novel there is a description of that funeral procession which has only briefly mentioned about. Avvakum. Funeral ceremonies - an integral part of a cult of many people; a word to Goncharov. " Making the way chrez the big field guskom, on uzenkoj to a footpath, we have suddenly stopped all four, - Ivan Aleksandrovich writes. - In the distance there was a procession: porters bore... The chest not a chest - "coffin" - has told someone. We have rushed to the same party: it has stopped on one floor. Behind a coffin there were some women, all in the wide white dresses, tied by white scarfs, some children and a dog. Porters have put a coffin, women howled, or "vopili" as speak at us in villages. Four of them did it indifferently as though on a duty of decency, and can be, they were and employed plakalshchitsy; but the fifth, elderly, was filled in with bitter tears. Those, having swept up us, have become confused and have lowered voices; children shy looked at a coffin, the dog with the hung tail, uvidja us, has silently grumbled. The fifth woman did not turn on what attention; it has been absorbed gorem. Sobing, it something sentenced; we, certainly, did not understand words, but language grieve one everywhere. It rushed on a coffin, embraced its hands, put on it a head, for a minute stopped, then with groan began again pitiable pesn. It was heavy to look: have even more likely gone away, rather than send, we were seen off far with its voice interrupted vshlipyvanijami and sobbings. On a place where have put a coffin, there was no tomb. Chineses all over again leave coffins simply, sometimes even opened, and then already bury " 97.

... Time of farewell to Shanghai Has approached, and the frigate has left the Chinese coast. But also in the high sea about. Avvakum continued to be engaged sinologicheskimi in researches. Its fragments testify to it dnevnikovyh records. " On December, 11th. Friday... Yesterday all put I assorted the books bought in Shanghai and did not leave the cabin... This day all the morning long reconsidered the Chinese books published by Englishmen " 98.

" On December, 13th. Sunday. At 9 o'clock obednja, then moleben to the Virgin and over apostle Andrey and prelate Nikolay Chudotvortsu Mirlikijskomu. Day windy. Houses read and reconsidered the books bought in Shanghai " 99.

The Overall objective of expedition was mission the general-aide-de-camp. Century Putjatina to Japan. As well as previous, this mission had for an object opening the Japanese ports, the conclusion of friendship treaties and trade, and also the decision of a question on border between Japan and Russia. After long delays the Japanese government has been compelled to give Putjatinu written acknowledgement of the right of most favored treatment for Russia. In the event that Japan will open the ports for any of the foreign states, Russia will be admitted to trade earlier, than other nations; it concerned also other privileges. (the first ?onnei-Japanese contract about an establishment of peace friendly attitudes has been signed on January, 26th, 1855) 100

And in the meantime conditions in the world was heated. In the Near East interests of Russia and France have collided. The external occasion was insignificant: dispute of the Greek monks with Catholic because of Vifleemskoj caves. Greeks have addressed for the help to Russian emperor Nikolay I, and it has declared itself(himself) the patron of Orthodoxy in the Sacred ground. Catholics - to France which, in a coalition with the Great Britain and Turkey, has opposed Russia. So the Crimean war (1853-1855) about what members of crew of "Pallada" have learned with greater lateness has begun. " In last our stay in Shanghai, in December, 1853, and in Nagasaki, in January, 1854, up to us news about final break with Turkey and England is has yet reached; we knew only, from the late newspapers and letters that is close to that - and more while anything " 101, - I.A.Goncharov wrote.

In the meantime "Pallada" has come to Manila and has found there the military French ship. On the approach there was also an English squadron. It was necessary to leave the Philippine capital, and the frigate has been resulted in alertness. According to Goncharov, " the captain said that in case of odolenija excellent enemy forces it is necessary-aa to burn to the powder chamber and to blow up. Everyone were more or less pending, spoke much, prepared for fight, the parties " 102 looked in visual tubes in all.

How the ship priest behaved in this disturbing conditions? Goncharov, with interest looked narrowly them, shares with readers the impressions. " One only father Avvakum, our kind and respectable archimandrite, concerned to all to these expectations as almost and to everything, unperturbably pokojno and even skeptically, - the Russian writer marked. - at mildness of this character and unperturbably late contemplate mind it hardly gave in to alarms. Prosecution on the sea of enemies us or a pursuit of enemies of us seem to it more fantazieju admiral, the captain and officers. It indifferently looked at all military preparations and continued, laying or sitting on bed at itself in a cabin to read the book. It went to usual time to walk for physical exercise and air upward, not looking out the enemy in whom did not trust.

Suddenly once shout was distributed: " the Steamship goes! The smoke is visible! ". Turmoil has risen. " Has gone on instruments! " - the officer has ordered. All poured out upward. Someone has called also father Avvakuma. It slowly, as always, has left and indifferently looked, where all was directed with telescopes and in the intense silence waited, that will appear. Soon all have calmed down: it was not the steamship, and kitolovnoe the vessel caught a whale and melted from it fat. From it and a smoke. The enemy all did not show. " Runs impious, to uniform it gonjashchu! " - I hear a voice behind myself.

He/she is father Avvakum has expressed so the skeptical sight at an expected meeting with enemies. I have laughed, and it too. " Yes the right so! " - it has noticed, going down slowly again in a cabin " 103.

With the beginning of the Crimean war the Pacific region also became unsafe for navigation. On May, 17th, 1854 on "Pallada" news about the beginning of war has been received and the Highest command to follow in gulf De Eano?e.104 On a way home a frigate has come on one of islands of Ryukyu islands ("island Likejskie"). As Goncharov marked, " likejtsy were in dependence and from Chineses, paid before and to it a tribute; but Japanese, having destroyed in OVII century the Chinese fleet, have relieved and likejtsev of the Chinese dependence " 105. (the Political vacuum was rather short, and in 1876 of "island Likejskie", with the greatest - Okinawa, - have been attached to Japan).

But even in this solitude Russian kitaevedy have met old friends. " Goshkevich and father Avvakum have found between likejtsami one friend whom saw, about 12 years ago, in Beijing, and were exchanged by gifts, - Goncharov writes. - here coincidence of circumstances! " You have presented me a decanter ", - has told likeets about. Avvakumu. Last has recollected, that it is valid so was " 106.

From Ryukyu islands the rate has been taken to Korea. Inquisitive korejtsy rose aboard "Pallada" during its call in local harbours. Beliefs of local inhabitants represented a freakish mix of the Buddhism, konfutsianstva, daosizma and local breeding cults. In a pantheon of their deities always there was a place for new object of worship. I.A.Goncharov results in the zapiskah curious supervision on this account. " On April, 4th (1854) korejtsy have seen an image of the Savior in a cabin; and when, on their question, " who it ", had time to answer somehow to them, they have risen from the places and have started to bow to an image low and reverentially... Conversation went on-eeoaenee, in writing, through father Avvakuma and Goshkevicha. " How old are you " - they asked somebody from ours. " Years 30-40 ", - answered them. " Pardon, - they have started talking, - we thought, to you of years 60 or 70 ". It is the extremely east compliment. " To you should be years 80, you to me suit in fathers and in grandfathers ", - to tell so, means to flatter " 107.

Those years Korea was under strong influence of China. (Japan has started to strengthen the presence at these grounds a little bit later, simultaneously with Russia, as has led eventually to the ?onnei-Japanese war 1904-1905) With "kitaizirovannymi" korejtsami it was necessary to deal and to members of crew of "Pallada". " They are infected by the Chinese learning and write verses, - I.A.Goncharov marked. - father Avvakum has written to them on a piece of paper on-eeoaenee, that we, Russian, send on coast we shall take a walk and touch at them nothing. One of them has read through also itself has written a question: " Russian people, behind what business send you in our edges, at will of winds, on sails? Whether also all at you fine and safely? We people the lowest, minor, see, that you special, maximum people ". And all this in verses " 108.

For about. Avvakuma the meeting with korejtsami was not something new. According to Goncharov, " korejtsy happen in Beijing: we father Avvakum and Goshkevich vidali them there and even, apparently, under their request, wrote out something for them from Russia " 109.

After the arrival to the Russian Primorski Krai about. Avvakumu together with some other members of expedition it was authorized to come back to St.-Petersburg dry by through Siberia. So two-year-old travel of the Russian missionary by a frigate "Pallada" has ended. It has left the Far East, but memory of it is alive here and today: one of small small rivers is named in its honour Avvakumovkoj...

In Irkutsk (1855-1857)

After returning in S.Peterburg about. Avvakum has been erected in archimandrites; to it the degree of " archimandrite of a monastery of 1-st class " has been appropriated. It has received this award on representation general-aide-de-camp Putjatina for the assiduous works. However already in the middle of the following, 1855, about. Avvakum has been again sent as the translator on the East, - this time to Irkutsk, on department of the Sea ministry. Here it has acted in the order the general-governor of Eastern Siberia general-lieutenant N.N.Muraveva, lifted at that time a question on connection to Russia Amur edge and required in the translator for negotiations with Eeoaai.110

The general-governor Appointed to a post in 1847, the first has raised the question Ants about returning the Cupid which has been conceded to China in 1689. Researches of I.Nevelskogo who has proved availability of a mouth of the Cupid for greater courts, have made this problem of even more actual as it was a convenient way for the message with Pacific ocean. On January, 22nd, 1854 emperor Nikolay I has given Muravevu the right to conduct all the relations with the Chinese government on differentiation of east surburb and has allowed to make an alloy of an army which has begun in May of the same year on the Cupid. The military contingent should protect not differentiated by China and Russia territories from an opportunity of intrusion of English and the French armies. In June, 1855 new emperor - Alexander II has charged Muravevu to enter negotiations with China for the sanction of a question on border in the Far East. Archimandrite Avvakum has stayed at the disposal of Muraveva two years as ia?aaia?eea.111

Despite of greater congestion, about. Avvakum has continued in Irkutsk the scientific activity. These years it has begun the publication of clauses which placed in " Zapiskah the Siberian department of an imperial Russian Geographical Society ". One of them, entitled " About an inscription which are being on a rock at Mangutskoj of a cave " 112, is devoted to the linguistic analysis of this monument.

Here what conclusion has made about. Avvakum, having familiarized with the text of this inscription: " Three words on top the inscriptions traced vertically, pisany Uigur letters; the second horizontal line - a Sanskrit; the third " pisana the Tangut letters a little bit similar on Tibetan ";" four letters in the bottom of an inscription an essence Chinese " 113. As to the maintenance of these inscriptions all of them contained Buddhist oaenou.114

Other clause placed in the same collection, carries the vast name: " About an inscription on the stone monument which is being on coast of the river the Cupid near to its confluence of the sea " 115. As has found out about. Avvakum, this text also had a Buddhist origin. " All shows, that on that place where there is a monument, there was no time Buddhist kumirnja which on-eeoaenee referred to is young-iei-ne, that is kumirnja eternal calmness, - Russian kitaeved wrote. - two inscriptions testify To this name on a stone: one Chinese, another Mongolian. The wrong arrangement of words both in that, and in another shows, that they are made any illiterate Mongolian by the llama, lived at kumirne " 116.

These modest clauses on volume about. Avvakuma, as well as former, have been noticed in circles of orientalists and are appreciated. One of domestic researchers - Item S.Savelyev, wrote: " From modern sinologov about. Avvakum and about. A palladium, the present chief of mission, apply already European view on studying China. Respectable about. Avvakum, except for the Chinese language studied Tibetan and Mongolian, let alone manchurian, has become known in a scientific world on translation drevnemongolskoj a square inscription " 117. And under the remark of baron F. R.Osten-Sakena who has characterized scientific activity about. Avvakuma in report Imp. Russian Geographical Society for 1866, " as maloobemisty these works, it was necessary to have extensive linguistic data to write them " 118. In the publications devoted about. Avvakumu, two more manuscripts which destiny, unfortunately, is unknown are mentioned. These are the treatises translated from the Chinese language: " Ljubomudrie Chineses "and" Moral philosophy of Chineses " 119.

Scientific activity about. Avvakuma it was not limited only to a writing of clauses. Under F.R.Osten-Sakena's certificate, " per 1855-1857, when about. Avvakum lived in Irkutsk, any clause about the Amur edge, Mongolia, etc. was not printed in " Zapiskah " the Siberian department of our Society without its consideration; vast reviews which were informed by it to the Asian Department on the scientific works, delivered members of Beijing our Mission, differed the uttermost conscientiousness and validity " 120.

58 Some details about navigation of a frigate "Pallada" can be found in "Stories" about I.S.Unkovskom, the commander of "Pallada", in: Russian archive, 1887, t. 2; 1889, t. 3.

59 TSit. On: Ljatskij E. Goncharov. A life, the person, creativity. SPb. 1912, with. 310.

60 Goncharov I.A.Fregat "Pallada". Sketches of travel in two volumes. L. 1986, N.795, primech. 9.

61 Russian archive, 1887, kn. 2., № 5, With. 122.

62 In the same place, With. 633. The letter. and A.Jazykovym's M. from December, 27th / on January, 8th, 1852/1853

63 In the same place, With. 567.

64 In the same place, With. 566-567.

65 Sokolov And., the decree. soch. // TEV, № 9, With. 245.

66 Archimandrite Avvakum (Fair). A diary of global cruise by a frigate "Pallada" (1853). Letters from China (1857-1858) Tver, 1998, With. 29.

67 In the same place, With. 30.

68 In the same place, With. 29-30.

69 Goncharov And., the decree soch., With. 228.

70 Archimandrite Avvakum (Fair). A diary.., N.30

71 In the same place, With. 31.

72 In the same place, With. 32.

73 In the same place, With. 33.

74 In the same place, With. 43.

75 In the same place, With. 46. (Saling - a frame from bars which was established on a mast).

76 In the same place, With. 46.

77 Goncharov And., the decree. soch., with. 567.

78 Archimandrite Avvakum (Fair). A diary.., With. 52.

79 In the same place, With. 61-62.

80 In the same place, With. 69.

81 In the same place, With. 56.

82 In the same place, With. 63.

83 Goncharov And., the decree. soch., with. 566.

84 Archimandrite Avvakum (Fair). A diary.., N.67.

85 In the same place, N.70.

86 In the same place, N.72.

87 Goncharov And., the decree. soch., with. 337-338.

88 In the same place, o.2, the chapter: " From Manila up to coast of Siberia ". From February, 27th till May, 22nd, 1854 With. 337-338.

89 Archimandrite Avvakum (Fair). A diary.., With. 73.

90 In the same place, With. 52.

91 In the same place, With. 157, primech. 101.

92 In the same place, With. 73.

93 In the same place, With. 75.

94 Goncharov And., the decree. soch., with. 341.

95 In the same place, With. 814 primech. 43.

96 Archimandrite Avvakum (Fair). A diary.., With. 75.

97 Goncharov And., the decree. soch., with. 340-341.

98 Archimandrite Avvakum (Fair). A diary.., With. 76.

99 In the same place, With. 77.

100 Vasileva S., the decree. soch., N.17-18.

101 Goncharov And., the decree. soch., with. 566.

102 In the same place, With. 566.

103 In the same place, With. 567-568.

104 See the Report on navigation of a frigate "Pallada" // the Sea collection, 1855, № 1.

105 Goncharov And., the decree. soch., with. 389.

106 Goncharov And., the decree. soch., with. 389.

107 In the same place, With. 463-464.

108 In the same place, With. 475.

109 In the same place, With. 477.

110 Russian biographic dictionary. T. 1. SPb. 1896, with. 23.

111 Vasileva S., the decree. soch., with. 20.

112 Avvakum (Fair), arhim. About an inscription which are being on a rock at Mangutskoj of a cave // of the Note of the Siberian department of an imperial Russian Geographical Society. Kn. Item of SPb. 1856, with. 87-88.

113 In the same place, With. 87.

114 In the same place, With. 88.

115 In the same place, With. 78-79.

116 In the same place, With. 78.

117 Savelyev S.Vostochnye's of Item of the literature and Russian orientalisty. The modern annals. // the Russian bulletin, 1856, t. 3, May, With. 37.

118 Report... For 1866. SPb. 1867, with. 3.

119 Russian biographic dictionary. T. 1. SPb. 1896, with. 23.

120 Report... For 1866. SPb. 1867, with. 4.

(Continuation see in following number)

 The Belgorod Orthodox Theological seminary (with a missionary orientation 2004